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Summer English course


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I've been thinking about taking first year English over the summer, just so I don't have to worry about it in fourth year. I know Ontario doesn't care about English, but will it count towards my cGPA (I think Mac counts summer courses)? Also, will it be enough of an English credit for not-Ontario med schools? Thanks a lot.

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Yes, an english course taken in the summer would count towards your cGPA for McMaster. Also, out of province school typically require 1.0 credits of english, so you should take 2 courses in the summer. For example, UBC states that you need 1 full year of english.




Thanks! ENGL 100, what I'm planning to take, is a full year course at Queen's (6.0 credits, where each credit represents one hour each week for one semester - so 3.0 credits means 3 hours/week for 1 semester and 6.0 means either 6 for 1 or 3 for 2), so that should be okay, right?

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