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Another "what are my chances"

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I sent out my applications back on October 15th, and I haven't heard back from almost all of the schools. It's getting late, and I wanted to consult you guys to figure out if I have a chance of getting an interview for the Fall 2013 admission.


I have a bachelor's in Honours Mechanical Engineering (3.74 gpa) and a Master's in Biomedical Engineering (3.56 gpa) from McGill. My Mcats were: 8VR 11B 14P, m writing. I have one first author publication and 2 conferences, and in general a ton of research experience. I have some volunteering experience, but the only med-related-volunteering was about 6 years ago, although I did it for 2 years.


I applied to the following schools:



McMaster (they already rejected me, probably because of the MCAT)


St Georges (I have an interview)

University College Cork

University College Dublin


New York Medical


Penn State

Virginia Commonwealth


So I was just wondering if I'm just waiting for my rejection letters to come in, or do is there still a chance?



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Where are you from? If you're from out of Quebec (i.e. you did not live in Quebec before you went to university), you're chances at McGill are non-existent. McMaster and Western are also not going to happen because of that low verbal score. Most of those American schools (esp Stanford) will not look at you twice as well because of the lower end GPA and low verbal score, although I'm not an expert in US schools.


You may get an interview in Ireland and you seem to have one for the Caribbean. My question for you is this: what is your end goal? A med degree from Ireland/Caribbean gives you a ~5-10% chance of coming back to Canada for residency. You cannot practice in Canada without completing your residency here. You cannot practice in the Caribbean/Ireland without citizenship (or at least it is very difficult to do so!). So what is your end goal?

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That's an interesting list of schools to apply to. Assuming you're Canadian, why did you not apply to schools like Dalhousie, Queens, U of T, Calgary, Alberta, and UBC? Before applying to schools in the Caribbean or in Ireland (which are EXTREMELY expensive to attend), you might want to try your hand at all the Canadian schools you're eligible to apply to, especially when you're applying to places like Stanford. Like the person before me said, you should think about what your goals are. If they are to practice in Canada, I'd recommend applying 2 or 3 times before considering spending the amount of money required to go to the Caribbean.


14PS is excellent and 11BS is adequate. That 8VR is on the lower end so it might be worth trying again for a higher score and maybe boosting that BS score by a point or two (obviously you are capable of scoring well in sciences as per your 14PS).


If you want to stay in Canada I'd recommend getting started with some medically-related volunteer work to strengthen your application; it honestly would look bizarre to an admissions committee for an applicant to not have any recent medically-related volunteer work.


I unfortunately don't think you're going to have much luck this cycle, but you can definitely improve your chances of getting into med school in Canada by applying to a better selection of schools, getting some more current volunteer work, and bringing up that verbal score. Your undergrad GPA is not bad at all, and your MCAT total score is actually very good; getting a 10 verbal and maybe a 12 BS while maintaining that 14PS would give you a 36, which is a great score. Keep in mind that the writing section no longer exists, so no need to worry about that.


Those publications don't hurt, either.


Bottom line: I wouldn't rush off to the Caribbean if you were to get an acceptance from St. George's this year. IMHO you should only do that if you've been unsuccessful after 3 cycles of applying.


Good luck!

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Thank you very much for replying.


Also, I'm no longer in school. I'm working an internship right now and have at least a job lined up if school doesn't work out.


You guys seem to think that I don't really have a chance this year. Do I really have a chance next year if I can bring my VR up and my get in some more med-related volunteering?


Lovestruck - Yes I'm from Montreal so I didn't send McGill my MCAT score. Yes I'd ideally like to have the choice of either working in the US or Canada after graduating, and I realize that's not going to happen with St Georges or Ireland. But at the same time, if I don't have a chance at any other school, then those serve as a "backup."


collegedude22 - I'm not really sure if I'd be able to bring up my VR. I know it's not very high, but I feel almost like I topped out with that 8.

I didn't apply to many Canadian schools mostly because of the deadlines (I didn't have much time) and because I was under the (wrong?) impression that it'd have a better chance at getting into the American schools than getting in to some of the other ones out-of-province. For example, I didn't have the undergrad gpa high enough to even apply to UofO.


Thanks again for your replies!

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14PS is excellent and 11BS is adequate. That 8VR is on the lower end so it might be worth trying again for a higher score and maybe boosting that BS score by a point or two (obviously you are capable of scoring well in sciences as per your 14PS).


The 11BS is more then adequate. It's completely fine. There is no school in Canada or the US that would look at that 11BS and say "oh well...his BS score is too low". Obviously a higher score is always better and can't hurt, but the way you worded this is really minimizing his achievement of an already pretty good score. In Canada, an 11/11/11 R is the best rounded score (although like I said before, higher is better as always) and qualifies you for every single school.


OP, if 8VR is your best performance, you can forget about most Canadian schools. That score takes you out of the running for Mac, Queens, Western and gets you flagged at UofT. Your GPA and extracurriculars are not strong enough to make up for that VR score. I imagine it leaves you with a similar chance in the US, although some of the lower tier schools may not mind.


You speak of going to the US. Research this! You can't do residency in at every university in the US unless you are a US citizen (citizenship is VERY hard to obtain). You can only do residency/practice at schools that are willing to give you a J1 visa (essentially a work permit). This makes you a tricky candidate. You have to be VERY good for a school to think you're worthwhile enough for them to fill out mountains of paperwork. Going to the US is not as simple as people seem to think it is! It still leaves you with the chance that you may not practice ANYWHERE!


Honestly, rewrite the MCAT and apply again. Otherwise, you may have a slim chance at McGill since you're in province, but most other places are generally out of the question.

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The 11BS is more then adequate. It's completely fine. There is no school in Canada or the US that would look at that 11BS and say "oh well...his BS score is too low". Obviously a higher score is always better and can't hurt, but the way you worded this is really minimizing his achievement of an already pretty good score. In Canada, an 11/11/11 R is the best rounded score (although like I said before, higher is better as always) and qualifies you for every single school.


Actually, adequate means "completely fine," and not "too low" as per your interpretation. As per the New Oxford American Dictionary, adequate means "satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity." That's exactly what I meant.


There is nothing in my phrasing that minimizes his achievement of that score. In fact, I go on to say he already has a terrific composite score. Rather, I gave him some constructive tips on how he might improve his application.

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honestly, sleep 3 hrs a day and get my doc to up my dose, lol... honestly, maybe im biologically wired differently, but i wanna sort of revolutionize educational psych eval, as in... ok, for someone who works with stats and psychometrics, lets try convergent validity of fmri, studies using motor co-ordination methods... that's gonna make for a sick multivariate analysis work in another lab on the side, down in psychiatry... since i know the u of t folks... snag some bio based pubs there, put out my books, and party couple days a week


honeslty, i sort of laugh at these guys now who are like poor non-verbal working memory is the killer, it's a classic example of chunking up brain functions in neauopsych eval, rather than using multile measures to make inferences about how each brain works as a whole... these guys are running a study right now to see if they can improve working memory in adults with adhd with training...


well yeah, verbal working memory, there are far more means to an ends, i just want to send a letter to the lady and be like, im totally adhd, and i have a working memory in the very very high range, pure language initiated, but nonetheless... im not going to share how i accidently developed this, i'm sure even a small sample size would kill if i could standardize those random life events into training... drastic improvement in working mem in adult adhd is so unheardoff my sample size could be 5, meaning i could really make it intensive... and seriously this is a gift to a p.i. and me of course, i want scholarship cash from the us... but **** it, my vision paper, **** i've already done, insanely sexy books... niche interests (who wants to research ****ing adhd and ptsd, honestly, columbia didn't have one lecture on adhd in their lecture series over 4 years... why the **** not just hand it too neuros, cause i sure as **** know more about adhd than any shrink in the province, substantially at that... instead, they treat secondary depression, anxiety, odd etc. like... every read bowlby, attachment theory, even now im reading kernberg... forget that, try sarte, jung... oh, i know ellis, beck, maslow, bandura, rogers, dbt, ipt... skills training, organization, adhd evything, period, behavioural training, yup... oh i even know nemeroff, schatzberg... essentially, more biopsych than u can think off... darn


and like, i can't wait to redo the mcat now that i have a science background (mine expired... plus, i've been reading toronto notes, text, usmle for awhile already)... essentially being nuts is a good method, LOL


HMMM.... EDIT WONT LET ME BOLD, SO SORRY FOR THE CAPS, :) THIS ISN'T MEANT TO BE SHOWY, BUT SORT OF TO AUGMENT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING ABOUT CITIZENSHIP... TO ME, THE MD IS A STEPPING STONE, I WANT TO CHANGE MENTAL HEALTH, WHICH EXPLAINS MY ALMOST MASOCHISTIC WORK ETHIC, AND WHY I HAVE NO QUALMS GOING US... if i'm not there yet, i'll make sure i'm worth a full ride at a mid-upper tier school in the next two years... and like to me, i aspire for a few higher end schools but have no interest in others (for res)


if you're not multi-disciplinary (adult adhd, neurocog developmental stuff like fas, ptsd, neurobio, cultural and social psychiatry... strong in biopsych, as well as therapy... and no ****ing psychodynamic bs, yeah, counter ego nucleus, basically qualifying diff aspects of your personality or splitting... he was bang on, but honestly too much metaphorical bs... sarte didn't invest abstract concepts, he was to the point... which is why ppl think freud is an idiot, i just find him viscous, honestly viscous to the point of nauseam... yeah, anna freud, projection, conversion, distortion (which social psychology explains better, confirm bias, recency bias... uhhh kahnemann and tversky... choices values and frames, wanna be a millionaire, read that book, and get an applied stats degree... you think you're hard to manipulate, nah, jut depends on the frame... so why us schools hang on to psychanalysis, i don't get... psychodynamic, yes, that's diff all together

anyhooo.. i wanna learn dbt, ipt, mindfulness training... cbt, behavioural i guess i can sit thru it, cause honeslty, not too hard... emdr, cognitive reframing


honestly if u don't teach adult adhd, that's a **** u, off the bat... if you're not very liberal, **** off, guess what, low low dose cocaine actually increases dat transmission to the neurons synapse, contra long term mph doing opposite, and reuptake... thats not at the proximal neuron... mostly binding peptides in the synapse... **** eh... if we prescribe meth in the states, why not add a small small ammount of cocaine to concerta. lol, amps and mph have low cross tolerance too, why are they never mutually prescribed, like, especially in mixed types... mph kicks ass for impulsiviity/hyperactivity, aadr for focussed attention. dex xr just sucks, but what about d-selgeline, dextromethylphenidate... like, honestly, i wanna make a point at filing an import exemption for adderall ir, since coincidently, they dont have it here prob because unlike the us they have extended exclusivety on off patent production... which ir wouldn't get...oh economics... and imaging hearing all about the next 15 years of detail, economics, epidemiology...


honestly, sam-e may help come test day... lol, its a nutritent, ditto reboxatine... jk, o wait, fda protectionism... not a drug


and **** harper and his safe communities act... sched 1'ing amp's haha, you know what the best pharmacotreatment for cocaine addiction is, dextroamp and/or mph... yeah, mandatory minimums. like ****, what a joke, i honestly hate stupid people in power... ohhhh he's an accountant, whoa... policies like this make me wanna get an mp position, destroy him, since honestly, he's only slightly more charasmatic than noam chomsky, with a 1/3rd the intellect... imagine that bloc quebecois guy with an extra 100 iq points... what's next, private prisons... funny thing is i'd run conservative cross the floor, and honestly, i have the phonological processing speed to state 5 facts in detail in 2 minutes, the verbal working memory to go back ten minutes, plus that fiery charisma everyone loves... like someone was criticizing tiger woods in favor of mickelson... yeah, bloc quebecois yelling looks bad when you have nothing to say, but like i'm getting to the point where public debate isn't winning any more, but humiliating, and now, do u want me to ruin your career, cause camera's like a show, and i don't have to go fact check, it's scary when someone can whip out example after example and on and on, 50, 60... oh man... yeah, something tells me i'm gonna write a little paper on drug policy, my room mates spoken in front of parliment, why shouldn't i, i'd love too... or humiliation via nation post with open challenge... oh, im such a whore... lol


BACK TO POINT, REWRITE, i might be in toronto this summer, ****, i'll even tutor you (i charge quite a bit (50 hr usually, but honestly i dont give a ****, i can do 35 or something), but serious, you will get that 11 you want), if u also happen to be there sometime


Honestly, rewrite the MCAT and apply again. Otherwise, you may have a slim chance at McGill since you're in province, but most other places are generally out of the question.

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honestly, sleep 3 hrs a day and get my doc to up my dose, lol... honestly, maybe im biologically wired differently, but i wanna sort of revolutionize educational psych eval, as in... ok, for someone who works with stats and psychometrics, lets try convergent validity of fmri, studies using motor co-ordination methods... that's gonna make for a sick multivariate analysis work in another lab on the side, down in psychiatry... since i know the u of t folks... snag some bio based pubs there, put out my books, and party couple days a week


honeslty, i sort of laugh at these guys now who are like poor non-verbal working memory is the killer, it's a classic example of chunking up brain functions in neauopsych eval, rather than using multile measures to make inferences about how each brain works as a whole... these guys are running a study right now to see if they can improve working memory in adults with adhd with training...


well yeah, verbal working memory, there are far more means to an ends, i just want to send a letter to the lady and be like, im totally adhd, and i have a working memory in the very very high range, pure language initiated, but nonetheless... im not going to share how i accidently developed this, i'm sure even a small sample size would kill if i could standardize those random life events into training... drastic improvement in working mem in adult adhd is so unheardoff my sample size could be 5, meaning i could really make it intensive... and seriously this is a gift to a p.i. and me of course, i want scholarship cash from the us... but **** it, my vision paper, **** i've already done, insanely sexy books... niche interests (who wants to research ****ing adhd and ptsd, honestly, columbia didn't have one lecture on adhd in their lecture series over 4 years... why the **** not just hand it too neuros, cause i sure as **** know more about adhd than any shrink in the province, substantially at that... instead, they treat secondary depression, anxiety, odd etc. like... every read bowlby, attachment theory, even now im reading kernberg... forget that, try sarte, jung... oh, i know ellis, beck, maslow, bandura, rogers, dbt, ipt... skills training, organization, adhd evything, period, behavioural training, yup... oh i even know nemeroff, schatzberg... essentially, more biopsych than u can think off... darn


and like, i can't wait to redo the mcat now that i have a science background (mine expired... plus, i've been reading toronto notes, text, usmle for awhile already)... essentially being nuts is a good method, LOL


HMMM.... EDIT WONT LET ME BOLD, SO SORRY FOR THE CAPS, :) THIS ISN'T MEANT TO BE SHOWY, BUT SORT OF TO AUGMENT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING ABOUT CITIZENSHIP... TO ME, THE MD IS A STEPPING STONE, I WANT TO CHANGE MENTAL HEALTH, WHICH EXPLAINS MY ALMOST MASOCHISTIC WORK ETHIC, AND WHY I HAVE NO QUALMS GOING US... if i'm not there yet, i'll make sure i'm worth a full ride at a mid-upper tier school in the next two years... and like to me, i aspire for a few higher end schools but have no interest in others (for res)


if you're not multi-disciplinary (adult adhd, neurocog developmental stuff like fas, ptsd, neurobio, cultural and social psychiatry... strong in biopsych, as well as therapy... and no ****ing psychodynamic bs, yeah, counter ego nucleus, basically qualifying diff aspects of your personality or splitting... he was bang on, but honestly too much metaphorical bs... sarte didn't invest abstract concepts, he was to the point... which is why ppl think freud is an idiot, i just find him viscous, honestly viscous to the point of nauseam... yeah, anna freud, projection, conversion, distortion (which social psychology explains better, confirm bias, recency bias... uhhh kahnemann and tversky... choices values and frames, wanna be a millionaire, read that book, and get an applied stats degree... you think you're hard to manipulate, nah, jut depends on the frame... so why us schools hang on to psychanalysis, i don't get... psychodynamic, yes, that's diff all together

anyhooo.. i wanna learn dbt, ipt, mindfulness training... cbt, behavioural i guess i can sit thru it, cause honeslty, not too hard... emdr, cognitive reframing


honestly if u don't teach adult adhd, that's a **** u, off the bat... if you're not very liberal, **** off, guess what, low low dose cocaine actually increases dat transmission to the neurons synapse, contra long term mph doing opposite, and reuptake... thats not at the proximal neuron... mostly binding peptides in the synapse... **** eh... if we prescribe meth in the states, why not add a small small ammount of cocaine to concerta. lol, amps and mph have low cross tolerance too, why are they never mutually prescribed, like, especially in mixed types... mph kicks ass for impulsiviity/hyperactivity, aadr for focussed attention. dex xr just sucks, but what about d-selgeline, dextromethylphenidate... like, honestly, i wanna make a point at filing an import exemption for adderall ir, since coincidently, they dont have it here prob because unlike the us they have extended exclusivety on off patent production... which ir wouldn't get...oh economics... and imaging hearing all about the next 15 years of detail, economics, epidemiology...


honestly, sam-e may help come test day... lol, its a nutritent, ditto reboxatine... jk, o wait, fda protectionism... not a drug


and **** harper and his safe communities act... sched 1'ing amp's haha, you know what the best pharmacotreatment for cocaine addiction is, dextroamp and/or mph... yeah, mandatory minimums. like ****, what a joke, i honestly hate stupid people in power... ohhhh he's an accountant, whoa... policies like this make me wanna get an mp position, destroy him, since honestly, he's only slightly more charasmatic than noam chomsky, with a 1/3rd the intellect... imagine that bloc quebecois guy with an extra 100 iq points... what's next, private prisons... funny thing is i'd run conservative cross the floor, and honestly, i have the phonological processing speed to state 5 facts in detail in 2 minutes, the verbal working memory to go back ten minutes, plus that fiery charisma everyone loves... like someone was criticizing tiger woods in favor of mickelson... yeah, bloc quebecois yelling looks bad when you have nothing to say, but like i'm getting to the point where public debate isn't winning any more, but humiliating, and now, do u want me to ruin your career, cause camera's like a show, and i don't have to go fact check, it's scary when someone can whip out example after example and on and on, 50, 60... oh man... yeah, something tells me i'm gonna write a little paper on drug policy, my room mates spoken in front of parliment, why shouldn't i, i'd love too... or humiliation via nation post with open challenge... oh, im such a whore... lol


BACK TO POINT, REWRITE, i might be in toronto this summer, ****, i'll even tutor you (i charge quite a bit (50 hr usually, but honestly i dont give a ****, i can do 35 or something), but serious, you will get that 11 you want), if u also happen to be there sometime


Honestly, rewrite the MCAT and apply again. Otherwise, you may have a slim chance at McGill since you're in province, but most other places are generally out of the question.


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honestly, sleep 3 hrs a day and get my doc to up my dose, lol... honestly, maybe im biologically wired differently, but i wanna sort of revolutionize educational psych eval, as in... ok, for someone who works with stats and psychometrics, lets try convergent validity of fmri, studies using motor co-ordination methods... that's gonna make for a sick multivariate analysis work in another lab on the side, down in psychiatry... since i know the u of t folks... snag some bio based pubs there, put out my books, and party couple days a week


honeslty, i sort of laugh at these guys now who are like poor non-verbal working memory is the killer, it's a classic example of chunking up brain functions in neauopsych eval, rather than using multile measures to make inferences about how each brain works as a whole... these guys are running a study right now to see if they can improve working memory in adults with adhd with training...


well yeah, verbal working memory, there are far more means to an ends, i just want to send a letter to the lady and be like, im totally adhd, and i have a working memory in the very very high range, pure language initiated, but nonetheless... im not going to share how i accidently developed this, i'm sure even a small sample size would kill if i could standardize those random life events into training... drastic improvement in working mem in adult adhd is so unheardoff my sample size could be 5, meaning i could really make it intensive... and seriously this is a gift to a p.i. and me of course, i want scholarship cash from the us... but **** it, my vision paper, **** i've already done, insanely sexy books... niche interests (who wants to research ****ing adhd and ptsd, honestly, columbia didn't have one lecture on adhd in their lecture series over 4 years... why the **** not just hand it too neuros, cause i sure as **** know more about adhd than any shrink in the province, substantially at that... instead, they treat secondary depression, anxiety, odd etc. like... every read bowlby, attachment theory, even now im reading kernberg... forget that, try sarte, jung... oh, i know ellis, beck, maslow, bandura, rogers, dbt, ipt... skills training, organization, adhd evything, period, behavioural training, yup... oh i even know nemeroff, schatzberg... essentially, more biopsych than u can think off... darn


and like, i can't wait to redo the mcat now that i have a science background (mine expired... plus, i've been reading toronto notes, text, usmle for awhile already)... essentially being nuts is a good method, LOL


HMMM.... EDIT WONT LET ME BOLD, SO SORRY FOR THE CAPS, :) THIS ISN'T MEANT TO BE SHOWY, BUT SORT OF TO AUGMENT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING ABOUT CITIZENSHIP... TO ME, THE MD IS A STEPPING STONE, I WANT TO CHANGE MENTAL HEALTH, WHICH EXPLAINS MY ALMOST MASOCHISTIC WORK ETHIC, AND WHY I HAVE NO QUALMS GOING US... if i'm not there yet, i'll make sure i'm worth a full ride at a mid-upper tier school in the next two years... and like to me, i aspire for a few higher end schools but have no interest in others (for res)


if you're not multi-disciplinary (adult adhd, neurocog developmental stuff like fas, ptsd, neurobio, cultural and social psychiatry... strong in biopsych, as well as therapy... and no ****ing psychodynamic bs, yeah, counter ego nucleus, basically qualifying diff aspects of your personality or splitting... he was bang on, but honestly too much metaphorical bs... sarte didn't invest abstract concepts, he was to the point... which is why ppl think freud is an idiot, i just find him viscous, honestly viscous to the point of nauseam... yeah, anna freud, projection, conversion, distortion (which social psychology explains better, confirm bias, recency bias... uhhh kahnemann and tversky... choices values and frames, wanna be a millionaire, read that book, and get an applied stats degree... you think you're hard to manipulate, nah, jut depends on the frame... so why us schools hang on to psychanalysis, i don't get... psychodynamic, yes, that's diff all together

anyhooo.. i wanna learn dbt, ipt, mindfulness training... cbt, behavioural i guess i can sit thru it, cause honeslty, not too hard... emdr, cognitive reframing


honestly if u don't teach adult adhd, that's a **** u, off the bat... if you're not very liberal, **** off, guess what, low low dose cocaine actually increases dat transmission to the neurons synapse, contra long term mph doing opposite, and reuptake... thats not at the proximal neuron... mostly binding peptides in the synapse... **** eh... if we prescribe meth in the states, why not add a small small ammount of cocaine to concerta. lol, amps and mph have low cross tolerance too, why are they never mutually prescribed, like, especially in mixed types... mph kicks ass for impulsiviity/hyperactivity, aadr for focussed attention. dex xr just sucks, but what about d-selgeline, dextromethylphenidate... like, honestly, i wanna make a point at filing an import exemption for adderall ir, since coincidently, they dont have it here prob because unlike the us they have extended exclusivety on off patent production... which ir wouldn't get...oh economics... and imaging hearing all about the next 15 years of detail, economics, epidemiology...


honestly, sam-e may help come test day... lol, its a nutritent, ditto reboxatine... jk, o wait, fda protectionism... not a drug


and **** harper and his safe communities act... sched 1'ing amp's haha, you know what the best pharmacotreatment for cocaine addiction is, dextroamp and/or mph... yeah, mandatory minimums. like ****, what a joke, i honestly hate stupid people in power... ohhhh he's an accountant, whoa... policies like this make me wanna get an mp position, destroy him, since honestly, he's only slightly more charasmatic than noam chomsky, with a 1/3rd the intellect... imagine that bloc quebecois guy with an extra 100 iq points... what's next, private prisons... funny thing is i'd run conservative cross the floor, and honestly, i have the phonological processing speed to state 5 facts in detail in 2 minutes, the verbal working memory to go back ten minutes, plus that fiery charisma everyone loves... like someone was criticizing tiger woods in favor of mickelson... yeah, bloc quebecois yelling looks bad when you have nothing to say, but like i'm getting to the point where public debate isn't winning any more, but humiliating, and now, do u want me to ruin your career, cause camera's like a show, and i don't have to go fact check, it's scary when someone can whip out example after example and on and on, 50, 60... oh man... yeah, something tells me i'm gonna write a little paper on drug policy, my room mates spoken in front of parliment, why shouldn't i, i'd love too... or humiliation via nation post with open challenge... oh, im such a whore... lol


BACK TO POINT, REWRITE, i might be in toronto this summer, ****, i'll even tutor you (i charge quite a bit (50 hr usually, but honestly i dont give a ****, i can do 35 or something), but serious, you will get that 11 you want), if u also happen to be there sometime


Honestly, rewrite the MCAT and apply again. Otherwise, you may have a slim chance at McGill since you're in province, but most other places are generally out of the question.



Are you sure you have only ADHD? Because this non-sequitur stream-of-thought sounds like the middle of a hypomanic episode.

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