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Need a frank sit down re. improving my extracurriculars


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For reference, here are my stats


GPA by 1/2/3/4th year

3.89/3.79/3.86/in progress (3.94-3.97)






Coached a AAA Baseball team last summer

Volunteered doing medical outcome research last summer

3 years work doing home renovations

3 years part time work umpiring youth baseball

Volunteer skating instructor for young kids in high school

Off-campus student rep in first year

Then nothing except things I've done for fun like intramurals, etc.


Research Experience

IN PROGRESS - 4th year thesis possibly leading to publication if things go well. NOnetheless, focused research



I have academic stats and MCAT that would make me an average matriculant at Harvard, but I can't get an interview from Mac/Queens, while I know people with relatively poor GPAs and lackluster MCATs who got them because of their ECs. For this reason, I'm FAIRLY certain what's holding me back is ECs, with a 36Q, even 10VR, and a 3.85ish GPA I'm fairly certain I should be a guaranteed in with good ECs. So I have a year to improve them provided I get in nowhere


What do you think? What should I commit myself to this summer? I really need some good volunteer/work experience here to get in next year.


What is clinical volunteering and how do I secure a position?

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Mac doesn't look at your ECs, just verbal and cGPA. I hate to burst your bubble but a 3.85 cGPA is below the accepted average for most Ontario schools (you might not even qualify for Ottawa), so you're by no means guaranteed anything. Your MCAT score is good for the US, but in Canadian schools they love their VR and a 10 means you're not getting any preference anywhere. Your ECs are decent, seems like you need more hospital related areas.

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To be honest your ecs really aren't that bad. You have some longer commitments which is great. Clinical volunteering could be a bunch of different things: hospital volunteer work, retirement home, shadowing physicians/health care professionals...etc. I would recommend that you continue taking part in activities that interest you.

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What about doing a 1 year masters? It'll be done by the start of next summer and ready in time for the application cycle.


And to the first responder, let's be realistic, EVEN then, a 3.86 cGPA, U/T wGPA 3.92, Ottawa wGPA 3.85, Queens wGPA 3.83, should put me within the range for an interview. It HAS to be the ECs.. you're right about the VR, and that sucks, and I can rewrite, but.. ****.. rewrite a 95th percentile score sucks

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It's also just random chance sometimes. Nothings guaranteed when there's 3000+ people applying unless you're getting something that makes you totally special like a gold medal/nobel prize/killed bin laden. A 1 year masters is ok but if you're convinced it's ECs bringing you down you could try for some long term volunteering abroad/teach abroad thing. A Masters doesn't really add anything special to your EC.

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You people like to knock people down a peg or two eh? If I told any one of you before you started university that you'd end up with a 3.85 cGPA and a 36 MCAT, you'd have agreed to the deal. Let's not dole out the hypocritical criticism so quickly.


OP, your ECs look fine. You're a decent bet at Queens, Borderline at Ottawa, Possible at Mac, and I think decent at UBC, not sure about the last one though. If you really want to imrpove, do another year of 4.0 and more ECs. You should be solid then.

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Can't believe I'm saying this, but anyone else think that med school admissions are a bit... Draconian? In that they focus on things that people don't really do for any other purpose than because it looks good on their application.


English canadian schools, yes


French canadian schools, they don't even look at your ECs. It may help a little bit in MEM and thats all

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