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How would taking a 5th year to change a minor into a major affect my application?

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Interview prospects aren't looking good for the Ontario schools for this cycle (I'm in 4th year now). Currently I'm debating between taking a 1 year course based masters and taking a 5th year undergrad. I'm wondering how taking a 5th year to graduate with a double major would count in terms of my application to the big Ontario schools (UofT, Mac, Western, Queen's, Ottawa). I'd probably do well in the courses I'm required to take but a good portion of them may be 1st and 2nd year courses that I wasn't required to take as part of my minor. Will this weigh me down?


In contrast, how would doing a 1 year course-based masters change how my application is reviewed? I doubt I would get any pubs through it so I'm not sure what exactly would change.


I think my marks are pretty good as is - I wouldn't be taking the 5th year or masters in order to cover up bad marks (except my second year 3.84 GPA which I'm not even that ashamed of).


If you're wondering, my stats are as follows:

GPA by year 1/2/3/4: 3.9/3.84/3.96/in progress but probably 3.94

MCAT: 12P/10VR/11BS/S (I know the 10 VR pretty much disqualifies me from Western - I only apply on the off chance that they lower the requirement and raise the requirement of something else)

ECs: average, exec for a cancer fundraising event, intramurals, research jobs (no pubs), volunteer in a few other things on campus, play in the school's band, some other small stuff

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It has less to do with actually getting into med school and more to do with a backup plan in case med school doesn't happen. I'm considering taking a 5th year or masters because I'm thinking of doing neuroscience as a career if medicine never happens. Since it's only a minor there are some courses still that I'd love to take before I start graduate work, and this would be nice to give me some more time to apply to meds as well. Plus, if there is room, I may be able to squeeze in orgo and English to apply out of province as well.


I did take a full course load and I applied everywhere in Ontario and have gotten rejected by Mac, Queens and Ottawa. Western is going to be a no go due to my verbal most likely and so I'm left hoping for Toronto.

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I am wondering the same thing. I also got rejected from all those schools. My GPA is lower than yours though so I think that was the reason I got rejected from Ottawa. Queen's and Mac I have no idea. My cgpa is 3.79 and mcats are 12(PS)/10(VS)/12(BS)/R. I was wondering if doing a course-based masters would appear good to the admissions committee or if I should just go ahead and do a 2 year masters?



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