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Dropping out of grad school

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I cannot see how it would hurt you, as long as your application was strong to start with and you weren't using your grad degree as a means to compensate for a previously deficient application.

It's not a big deal to explain you thought you would like research but didn't.


I assume you are only mid-way in your first year, so why continue down a road that is leading you nowhere you want to go. It isn't like you'll be the only MD who doesn't like research!

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I'd think of it this way:


1. Finishing your masters won't be detrimental to you application - you'll have a Masters and all the research experience (publications, conferences etc) that comes with that. You'll also have the opportunity for more EC's, volunteering and teaching - all great things for a med application


2. Not finishing your masters could hurt you. Will it for sure? Maybe not, but it is possible. You will have to put that you started one, and likely explain why you didn't finish. It may be a challenge to positively convey why you didn't finish.


I'd say stick it out. Those are my two cents!

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