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Memory tricks for med microbi?

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Hey Cerena!


Keep doing what you're doing, clin micro is a great book. Don't get too bogged down with all the details. Honestly, you will do yourself a big favor to just stick to learning the details that you envision will be clinically useful. HDI can be a bit overwhelming, I know, but I told myself to just stick to the useful info and not learn every virulence factor and toxin and it did not hurt me ONE BIT. Like, the class average I think was 90% on the final, and I got 99% just sticking to the major points and not worrying about the minutia. Learn the commonly encountered bugs, the diseases they cause, and what class of Abx they are susceptible to and you should be good :)

Don't sweat it too much!




I've been reading through clinical microbiology made ridiculously simple. Just wondering if any of you all have some particularly useful memory tricks to share.



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Sorry, can't help much. My tricks were these: study only what I envisioned would be useful to me in a clinical setting (which cut down the amount that I had to memorize), and use the mnemonics and stuff from med micro made simple. I made up little like: 50 cent carries MACE (M = macrolides, A= azithromycin, C = clarithromycin, and E = erythromycin, and they attack 50s subunit) and stuff like that.

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You guys had a 90% average on infectious disease? holy :eek: Something I found particulary useful was making a monstrous spreadsheet similar to this.


http://cl.ly/0i1E370G0x2F (i'm pretty sure this is incomplete.. couldn't find the final version but it'll give you the idea)


So you just make the sheet for all the bugs you need to know and then boom, blast through your spreadsheet like 5 or 6 times. By the end of it you'll be a bug killing machine!

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Obi, that sheet is amazing. I dont know why I haven't thought of making my own spreadsheets, honestly this brain I tell ya. I used one for our ANS drugs and managed to do well on that section, so you're right they definitely work!

Not sure how to thank you enough!

Totally love that you aptly entitled it "hell."



Ps L that's a great memory aid

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