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CGPA vs 2 Year

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It's difficult to say how it's used pre-interview since they're fairly secretive. I suspect that it's just a cutoff, but it's impossible to know if it's considered alongside ECs and other aspects of the application (pre-interview).


The interview is 100% of the post-interview score though, so you're not going to penalized for a low cGPA once you make it to that point.

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It's difficult to say how it's used pre-interview since they're fairly secretive. I suspect that it's just a cutoff, but it's impossible to know if it's considered alongside ECs and other aspects of the application (pre-interview).


The interview is 100% of the post-interview score though, so you're not going to penalized for a low cGPA once you make it to that point.


I was going to follow up on that last fall! I know it used be 100% prior to all their rule changes. Did they reaffirm it still is? (Probably just checking).

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"Applicants who successfully make these cuts are invited for an interview and their academic marks are no longer considered in the admission process. Those applicants are then assessed based on personal experiences and personal characteristics through an interview."



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First I think you are right. The minor issues I always had with that -


Applicants are assessed in sequential steps. The first steps are based on academic requirements - the GPA and MCAT scores. Applicants who successfully make these cuts are invited for an interview and their academic marks are no longer considered in the admission process. Those applicants are then assessed based on personal experiences and personal characteristics through an interview.



is that it doesn't mention at all the ECs which are also evaluated pre interview (i.e. it isn't just gpa/mcat cut offs - we even wondered how exact of a cut off they were even using). Hence it always looked like no one bothered to update that part of the site last time I looked there (which was over a year ago) and made me wonder if overall they haven't properly updated the page. Well that was my logic a year ago at least - the longer it goes one the more likely it is probably just a minor update mistake and the overall message is correct.

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Now that you mention it, I do recall Queen's being a strictly cutoff school a couple of years back. It was only recently they introduced evaluation of ECs as a way to make it more holistic (although I think they could do a better job)


guess there's no way to be sure...Last time I emailed them about an inconsistency I just got a word-for-word reply from their FAQs page...so I'd rather not wait a month for another one of those

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Now that you mention it, I do recall Queen's being a strictly cutoff school a couple of years back. It was only recently they introduced evaluation of ECs as a way to make it more holistic (although I think they could do a better job)


guess there's no way to be sure...Last time I emailed them about an inconsistency I just got a word-for-word reply from their FAQs page...so I'd rather not wait a month for another one of those


It definitely was - I applied in a year when the cut off stood :)


As with a lot of this it doesn't really matter - you do you best at the interview because no matter how much it is worth, it is definitely worth a lot. When things quite down a bit I will probably email them to see if I can get a clearer answer.

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