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CEGEP past

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Hey guys,


I see UofC wants to see all my post-secondary transcripts. I took Pure and Applied Sciences for 2 years at a CEGEP in Quebec. My grades sucked (my R-score was low 27s?).


Then I started an undergrad fresh in Alberta in psych. I'm a Junior at the moment with a 3.97 GPA so I'm doing fine now (I retook all the science pre-reqs most schools look for also and aced them).


My question is, will they factor in my CEGEP grades into the calculation of my undergrad GPA? Because if that's the case, that'll suck since I'm a completely different student and my undergrad grades reflect that.


Thank you.

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  • 3 years later...



Hi folks


So did anyone get an answer? I'm going over UC's admission manual but it's still not clear if CEGEP grades are used in the calculation;


"GPA is calculated using only full-time undergraduate years completed at or transferable to an MD-PhD granting institution."
well... IB-APs are transferable to, so...  :confused:
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