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Prestige of degree for ON medS

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one factor may be bigger school => larger pool to choose from. if 1/5000 get in (throwing out numbers), a school of 15000 is gunna give in 3 students, vs a 25k school and its 5... and then if you lump all the bigger schools together, sure, they could very easily make up the majority of med students based on this. not the only factor though

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There are many many smaller university which could send people to MedS but I've never heard of anyone from schools like UofWaterloo (except rmorelan), Guelph, and even smaller like LakeHead (?), UOIT etc.


I don't know anybody at LakeHead, but I know people from each of the other schools that have gotten into med school

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I know a couple of med students not from UofT and they have immense respect for their colleagues who got 90+ from UofT. Adcoms might not publicly admit it but if we can figure out which schools are bird, I'm sure they know too.


They don't have the time or resources to evaluate the difficulty of every program at every school

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I know a couple of med students not from UofT and they have immense respect for their colleagues who got 90+ from UofT. Adcoms might not publicly admit it but if we can figure out which schools are bird, I'm sure they know too.


That's a load of crap the school means nothing in terms of difficulty it's the sepcific program and more importantly the courses you took

If they look at your transcript from lakehead and it's all astropsychopharmacological metanalysis, and the transcript of someone else from UofT with nothing but "intro to whistle blowing", then there's a problem.

As someone said they don't have the time and energy to rank every program against eachother but they probably do take a look at the courses you took

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That's a load of crap the school means nothing in terms of difficulty it's the sepcific program and more importantly the courses you took

If they look at your transcript from lakehead and it's all astropsychopharmacological metanalysis, and the transcript of someone else from UofT with nothing but "intro to whistle blowing", then there's a problem.

As someone said they don't have the time and energy to rank every program against eachother but they probably do take a look at the courses you took


^ Exactly what he said.



You would be naive to compare programs like that. It all depends on the courses you take and the prof's teaching it. My friend from UTSG has close to a 4.0 GPA and we had the same average in high school every year. He decided to go to UTSG and I went to York, surprisingly my GPA is less than his. So please explain this if you think some programs are more difficult than others.

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meh, i remember this annoying u of t grad who didn't realize editing our review article was the hardest job... 14 hours, until the top student in our class told him to shut up.. yeah 100 percent, thank you, knowing circuits doesn't mean you can write worth half a **** or know apa...


contrarily, this guy from red deer college i remember stood out to me as insanely bright and insightful

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every year a noob pops in to enlighten us with the same conspiracy theory. looks like you're the one this year gunner.


this is all we know of their assessment of program rigor. the meat lies in what they mean by 'information...where available.' feel free to speculate. my guess is the applicants' transcripts.


do note their use of 'program' and not 'institution.' go ahead and enroll in u of t if you truly believe that the adcom has schemed up a ploy to weed out the 'bird schools.'.... whatever they are.

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There are many many smaller university which could send people to MedS but I've never heard of anyone from schools like UofWaterloo (except rmorelan), Guelph, and even smaller like LakeHead (?), UOIT etc.


i'm taking a wild guess that you didn't scope out the demographics of every med school in canada and are just going off of your data collection within your own group of friends, who also go to your own big university.


smaller schools = less applicants = less med students. and like bored said, ambitious kids buy into the idea that bigger universities are better, further skewing the stats.

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lol, sort of like why there are way more science grads than nursing arts agfor, pharmacy...?


i'm taking a wild guess that you didn't scope out the demographics of every med school in canada and are just going off of your data collection within your own group of friends, who also go to your own big university.


smaller schools = less applicants = less med students. and like bored said, ambitious kids buy into the idea that bigger universities are better, further skewing the stats.

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I personally know several individuals from Guelph who were accepted to medical school, including one who went to Harvard for medical school (no, I'm not lying, here's the link: http://www.medicine.uic.edu/cms/one.aspx?portalId=506244&pageId=15406215).


Most undergrads at Guelph aren't interested in medical school, but in veterinary medicine, food, and nutrition. That's why you have fewer students from Guelph getting into medical school. But there are plenty of Guelph grads who do get into medical school. Like I said, I personally know several myself.

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Yeah that's true, more students = more people who end up in MedS. However, don't you think medS would say a 4.0 at UofT is worth much more than a 4.0 at a smaller school that was known for being easy ( like quelph?)


If you mean Guelph, it is not known for being easy - I don't know where you get that idea from. I've seen exams from individuals who go to "hard" universities like UofT, and their exams are no more difficult than the ones at Guelph. The main thing about Guelph is that they provide tons of resources and support services to help students succeed.


I don't know how anyone can say Guelph is "easy" when the class averages end up between 60 and 70%. Is it possible to do well at Guelph? Of course. But it is possible to do well at any university.

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i only did two full time fall-winter years and got a very high academic score from Calgary, probably because of the extreme divergence and range of courses i took was so unusual to see.


I know a couple of med students not from UofT and they have immense respect for their colleagues who got 90+ from UofT. Adcoms might not publicly admit it but if we can figure out which schools are bird, I'm sure they know too.
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I'm not sure if it's because of my own perspective since I go to a larger university or if smaller university produce students that are less talented because technically speaking, smaller schools tend to give out higher GPAs than the big schools taking in thousands of new students each year.


The statement that smaller schools tend to give out higher GPAs than big schools may not be correct.

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Something in another thread just sparked my interest. I know that for ON medS they technically don't discriminate based on your major or school. However, it seems like the majority of MedS students come from the big schools:


(may be incomplete)






... in no particular order



Could you stop pulling sht out of your ss and presenting it as fact? You just made a list of the 5 biggest schools in Ontario. Does it surprise you that most students come from these schools? I am inclined to believe that you are a troll.

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