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Queen's post-MMI panel interview

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Anyone? I don't pay you guys for nothing... :)


This is one of the best posts I've seen on PM101 for a long time. I don't like to post when I have nothing to contribute, but I really wanted you to know how much I enjoyed reading that.


I wish that I had the answer to your question. As far as I know, it's a "debrief" from the MMI, so I have a feeling that it's closed. I hope you get your answer!

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I'm so sorry if this has already been asked and answered, and in my defense I did do a quick topic search...


How is Panel vs MMI judged afterwards? Is one more important than the other?


I ask because I am pretty sure I misunderstood one MMI station and one was just answered mediocre.


None of us outside of the admissions team know how its weighted or if one is weighted more than the other.


To help allay concerns, most of our class felt as though we bombed one or more stations- its fairly common. I'd almost be more concerned if someone felt like they absolutely nailed every station :D

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Hi all,


Is the Queen's post-MMI panel interview open-file or closed-file? That is, will they know your background and sketch before interviewing you?


How does this short panel interview compare to the regular U of T or Western panel?




It's an open file. When I entered the panel interview, they even prefaced their questions based on my background and what I have done. Clearly they have done their homework. I could even see their notes (v.messy!), and I could see stuff like


-Competitive soccer??

-Programming? Google?



Hope this helps.

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