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Post-interview scoring

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You're right. They don't drop squat.These are rumors.



Anyone at hotel alma at the moment? :P. Pm me if you are


This is what I figured; rumors! Thought I would check in though; there is so much speculation about the interview process! It was a fun experience, though.


Thank you for clarifying :)

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The music video was pretty great... I liked the other ones too but that one got the most laughs from me.


I'm still in town. I was in the 0930 group yesterday. It was nice to meet a few people in person, but I wish I could have been at the social events or the medshow.


I have a feeling the next 10 weeks is going to be really stressful. :(

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Nope. I interviewed Saturday morning so that's when I had breakfast there. Sunday morning I had to check out at 6:30 am to go hit the Rockies for some skiing :P


Did the fire alarm go off at 3 am like it did last year???


I have to say, I was a little relieved when I called Alma and found out they were all booked up for Friday night.....

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I was going to stay at Alma but I was lazy and never got a spot there - hotel village is really close so NBD.


I never got to see the post interview stuff. Anyone feel like giving a quick recap? THanks :)


Post interview:

2 vice presidents (the one with synthetic cow hide leg warmers) gave a talk and showed 3 videos. 1st video was based on how they decided to use MMI (comedy approach). 2nd video was UofC med Harlem shake (hilarious!!). last video was Backstreet boys (i think) parody of how they got accepted to med school (well made).


Lastly, Dr. Ian Walker gave a talk on Calgary and answered questions.

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Post interview:

2 vice presidents (the one with synthetic cow hide leg warmers) gave a talk and showed 3 videos. 1st video was based on how they decided to use MMI (comedy approach). 2nd video was UofC med Harlem shake (hilarious!!). last video was Backstreet boys (i think) parody of how they got accepted to med school (well made).


Lastly, Dr. Ian Walker gave a talk on Calgary and answered questions.


Thanks for the recap!


P.s. Did any of you have an interviewer congratulate you during the interview? (maybe I got lucky on that one :P )

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Such a good feeling when they do that :) Sets the mood for the rest of the MMI. Happened pretty early for me too.


Me too.


Also- the talk they gave was about their curriculum and how it compares to other schools, advantages and disadvantages to the 3-yr program and the case-based curriculum. They talked about the RIC (sp?) program too.

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The above advice is great. I had a lot of fun too, once the butterflies settled down.


Before the interview, my heart rate was 84 and I was sweating (I do not sweat much). Sympathetic nervous system overdrive. Once the talking started, I just became myself, I mostly forgot they were interviewers and just talked to them as if they were real people (which they are!).


Your nerves will fire up but the good news is that most people find they go away once the interview actually starts, or within the first 2-3 stations.


Have fun!




Stick around for the tour and presentations, especially if you're trying to decide between UofC and other schools. The information was way better than the conjecture that often appears on this website.

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Thanks for the recap!


P.s. Did any of you have an interviewer congratulate you during the interview? (maybe I got lucky on that one :P )


I had that too but it was one of my later stations. One of my early stations was someone who looked tired and exhausted, almost hung over, with a "why am here face". Showed no emotions whatsoever, was not welcoming as I stepped in, and didn't seem to care what I said. Asked questions in a completely uninterested manner. Glad that was only 1 station though

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