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Robin Hood

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I know exactly what you mean. And complaining about it is not really going to get a lot of sympathy of course. BUT order is important :)


Enh, I don't want sympathy. My marks are still pretty competitive. I'm just possibly a little neurotic about some things.

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Enh, I don't want sympathy. My marks are still pretty competitive. I'm just possibly a little neurotic about some things.


ha - no I am sure you don't but that is the first thought people always seem to have when I have brought stuff like that up. That isn't it at all though.


I colour coded my grades based on their average on my excel sheets. Having a course out of sync just bugged me that much more as it just sticks out and annoys me. It ruins the pattern :)

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ha - no I am sure you don't but that is the first thought people always seem to have when I have brought stuff like that up. That isn't it at all though.


I colour coded my grades based on their average on my excel sheets. Having a course out of sync just bugged me that much more as it just sticks out and annoys me. It ruins the pattern :)


Exactly! Mine are colour coded too - conditional formatting is my friend. That red block annoys me.

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No harm in maintaining structure! Haha only harm is when organizing trumps productivity :) Actually, looking at this post-apocalyptic study space, I think a new years resolution might be warranted in order to maintain more structure in my life. Care to share? :P


PS birdy, my family is on the east coast. Stay safe over there, apparently the weather has been quite stormy.

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is it possible that my prof boosted my final grade by like 1.5 point or something ?

i finished a class with an A+ and i needed only 31.3/36 on the final but when i checked the actual final i got 30/36 (i bombed 2 completed questions, grr)...


i know this prof pretty well because i go see him all the time and i got 90+ all the semester before that final so i don't know if he could just have been nice to me ? i'm SO happy yet i feel like i don't deserve that A+? i almost hope i miscalculated something.. :confused:

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is it possible that my prof boosted my final grade by like 1.5 point or something ?

i finished a class with an A+ and i needed only 31.3/36 on the final but when i checked the actual final i got 30/36 (i bombed 2 completed questions, grr)...


i know this prof pretty well because i go see him all the time and i got 90+ all the semester before that final so i don't know if he could just have been nice to me ? i'm SO happy yet i feel like i don't deserve that A+? i almost hope i miscalculated something.. :confused:


I suspect it as a global adjustment if it was applied :) Professors do curve in both directions.

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is it possible that my prof boosted my final grade by like 1.5 point or something ?

i finished a class with an A+ and i needed only 31.3/36 on the final but when i checked the actual final i got 30/36 (i bombed 2 completed questions, grr)...


i know this prof pretty well because i go see him all the time and i got 90+ all the semester before that final so i don't know if he could just have been nice to me ? i'm SO happy yet i feel like i don't deserve that A+? i almost hope i miscalculated something.. :confused:


Close enough to have been due to a rounding error, I'd imagine.


If I were you, I'd just leave it be. I've reported erroneous extra points to profs before and they always give me this weird look and then laugh.

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Marks were released today. Very happy with my results (three A+s). Although I'm disappointed I had to drop down to three course-equivalents due to my concussion, I'm happy that I managed to do well in the courses that I kept (required for graduation and for dietetic internships).


One more semester and I'm done! I'll either be doing a combined masters/internship, a regular internship, or an MSc. The MSc is already secured, so I have that back-up plan in place.


Hopefully I'll get an internship, and I might see some of the Mac, UofT or MUN clerks or residents on the wards (depending on where/if I get accepted). So be nice to any non-traditional dietetic interns you might come across. ;)

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I'm feeling really disappointed tonight. I'm completing a second undergrad degree and had aimed for that illusive 4.0 GPA. I was definitely on track, and worked hard all semester with physics and anat/phys and few courses in my major. Organic chem was the real challenge but I managed to go into the exam with a 97%. Today's final was BRUTAL and worth 50% of our final grade. It was absolutely nothing like the midterms and I felt blindsided. I needed an 83% to secure my A+ but I honestly don't know if it's possible. I spoke to my prof after the exam and he said that he intentionally makes the final very tough to see what he missed with his teaching.... sigh.


Rumor has it that he bumps everyone's final grade, but I'll be on pins and needles for the next few days for sure.

Marks came out yesterday and I got my A+ and my 4.0!! I actually ended up doing a lot better than I expected on that horrible exam whoot! Now back to enjoying this time off with family :)

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Marks came out yesterday and I got my A+ and my 4.0!! I actually ended up doing a lot better than I expected on that horrible exam whoot! Now back to enjoying this time off with family :)


So amazing when you do better than you thought! Great job :) and enjoy the break!

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Yes, me too.


Also, Happy Holidays to everyone :)


ha, well it is just that anyone that can stay home on Christmas generally will do so which mean you get a different class of sick person at this time of the year. Plus you have additional holiday stresses, and often people's supports are actually removed because people they rely on are busy, or away.


A lot of pysch, a lot of fragile people, and just a lot of people in general coming :)

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i got all my grades today and this is stupid but i got an A on my transcript and i almost wish i had gotten 2 because now, i feel i was soooo close to a 4.0 gpa yet i still didn't get it and i'm mad at myself/disapointed (specially since i went into the final with an A+ and screwed up). :o and i know i should be happy but the perfectionist in myself is not haha

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ha, well it is just that anyone that can stay home on Christmas generally will do so which mean you get a different class of sick person at this time of the year. Plus you have additional holiday stresses, and often people's supports are actually removed because people they rely on are busy, or away.


A lot of pysch, a lot of fragile people, and just a lot of people in general coming :)


Actually, even psych is quiet.

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