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Robin Hood

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It is good to plan ahead for those - it can be expensive for sure. It is easier for us in Ontario I think - we just get to take day trips etc. Fortunately almost every schools has some form of billeting, and usually you can get some good discounts on travel.


For flights, food while on the go, plus clothing and dry cleaning, plus application fees, plus taxis and/or rental cars, it's set to cost us upwards of $4000 for the cycle in the unlikely event I get interviews everywhere I apply. Nice to know that billeting is common, I'd only heard of a few schools doing it and wasn't sure about others. I'm fine for Ottawa and TO, though, since I have friends and family in both cities.

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For flights, food while on the go, plus clothing and dry cleaning, plus application fees, plus taxis and/or rental cars, it's set to cost us upwards of $4000 for the cycle in the unlikely event I get interviews everywhere I apply. Nice to know that billeting is common, I'd only heard of a few schools doing it and wasn't sure about others. I'm fine for Ottawa and TO, though, since I have friends and family in both cities.


Yeah not cheap - nothing in this game is cheap. People often don't realize what a powerful asset having money is in the "game" - if for no other reason than you simple don't have to worry about any of the above.


My weakness in applying was time - I was working full time at one job, part time at another, and going to school full time. I had to squeeze out anything I could time wise, but when it came to applying I was completely immune to the cost as a result - rather oblivious actually until I heard the sacrifices others had to make to apply.

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Yeah not cheap - nothing in this game is cheap. People often don't realize what a powerful asset having money is in the "game" - if for no other reason than you simple don't have to worry about any of the above.


My weakness in applying was time - I was working full time at one job, part time at another, and going to school full time. I had to squeeze out anything I could time wise, but when it came to applying I was completely immune to the cost as a result - rather oblivious actually until I heard the sacrifices others had to make to apply.


It's just one more way that there's an inherent advantage for those of means, but it is how it is and I'm certainly fortunate enough to even be in the position of worrying about this so I don't have too much room to complain.


Time will be an issue for us as well, given that life won't stop for interviews. :)


I'm somewhat doubting things will slow down when/if I get in anyway!

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It's just one more way that there's an inherent advantage for those of means, but it is how it is and I'm certainly fortunate enough to even be in the position of worrying about this so I don't have too much room to complain.


Time will be an issue for us as well, given that life won't stop for interviews. :)


I'm somewhat doubting things will slow down when/if I get in anyway!


ha - no definitely not :)


there are indirect advantages in the game for those with resources. I take some comfort that they actually aren't that large and that you can overcome them (I mean I just got a job to get the money - the point is there is a big difference if you have say 10K overall to play with extra in the game. That isn't that much really in the grand scheme, but it is certainly something).

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gah, I hate it when schools go on strike. I hope it is a short one, they are so very disruptive.


Yes, i do hope it's a short one too. Although i totaly support the profs and i believe they are doing the right thing, this is just annoying and time wasting for us, students.

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Who keeps deleting my posts -_-..


They wern't even breaking the forum rules.


useless threads that you post will be removed

anything that we feel that does not contribute to the general well being of this forum from you will be removed



ahhh actually not sure. At this point obviously you are being watched a bit, and there is a low threshold for actions.


Hopefully nothing important?


there was one thread that i personally locked but not sure who physically removed it. If there are more then I wasn't aware of them

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useless threads that you post will be removed

anything that we feel that does not contribute to the general well being of this forum from you will be removed


there was one thread that i personally locked but not sure who physically removed it. If there are more then I wasn't aware of them


No worries :) Hopefully I didn't remove the locked one in my general sweeps.

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Checking in and saying hello.


Congratulations and good luck to all of those who have received interviews so far this year. And good luck to those still waiting to hear.


I'm in waiting mode myself - all of my MPH, Masters and internships applications have been submitted, so now I'm just waiting to hear back about interviews. Given the way that this year has gone, I'm very glad I have a solid back-up plan in place (a 'regular' MSc).

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