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May 15th support group

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Thank you!


My verifiers have been contacted and while I know it's a random process and not dependent on rejection/acceptance, it reminded me of how close may 15 really is.


Out of curiosity Polarbear, did you find out if they reviewed all of your verifiers, or did a couple mention that they were called? I haven't heard a thing from my verifiers (which could mean anything of course) so I'm curious if my verifiers are quiet or if they haven't been contacted. :D Also, do you know if they just recently contacted them?


Sorry for all the questions, I find the verifying process both mysterious and stressful. I keep having random worries that someone I worked or volunteered with for multiple years will suddenly develop amnesia about me haha.

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I keep having random worries that someone I worked or volunteered with for multiple years will suddenly develop amnesia about me haha.


Oh man, I have the same fear! I haven't seen some of my verifiers in a few years, so there's a possibility they've forgotten me.. although I did send them all e-mails to inform them of what I was doing haha. STILL, you never know! XD

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Out of curiosity Polarbear, did you find out if they reviewed all of your verifiers, or did a couple mention that they were called? I haven't heard a thing from my verifiers (which could mean anything of course) so I'm curious if my verifiers are quiet or if they haven't been contacted. :D Also, do you know if they just recently contacted them?


Sorry for all the questions, I find the verifying process both mysterious and stressful. I keep having random worries that someone I worked or volunteered with for multiple years will suddenly develop amnesia about me haha.


I only know for sure that one verifier has been contacted so I'm guessing they're just picking and choosing?

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I've only heard of UofA calling one of my verifiers for a quick 20 second check that what I reported was correct. The only reason I found out about that one was I randomly ran into that verifier the other day and he mentioned it. Other than that, I haven't heard a peep from anyone else! Doesn't necessarily mean no one has been contacted though I suppose.


Definitely understand the fear that somehow I messed something up, like not warning a verifier beforehand, or they forget what I did for work/volunteering. Not much to do about it at this point though!

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I call my verifiers from time to time (clearly not excessively!) and they have all said that no one contacted them. This goes for all 4 schools that I've interviewed at... Maybe I should call them now lol.


I keep having to resist the urge to check in with my verifiers again...

...did they call you? have you checked your email? you are going to just blurt out how awesome I am even if they don't ask, right?

I'm starting to feel more than a little crazed. In reality I've only asked once but I try to not so randomly bump into a few just so they remember me.

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I keep having to resist the urge to check in with my verifiers again...

...did they call you? have you checked your email? you are going to just blurt out how awesome I am even if they don't ask, right?

I'm starting to feel more than a little crazed. In reality I've only asked once but I try to not so randomly bump into a few just so they remember me.



I wouldn't worry about it, U of C will contact you if they have any problems :).

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Dr. Walker just posted some information on verifiers on the blog today. Very interesting since he admitted how random it has been and that they spend resources checking both people who are likely or completely unlikely to get in. He also mentioned that they can only check about 1/3 of the verifiers (I'm assuming he means the verifiers of 1/3 of the applicants) which is much less then I thought.


Apparently they are looking to change it for next year so that they may only check verifiers for people who have a chance to get in, possibly even AFTER they have received an invite. I only wish they were doing it this year, I'd be less crazed too! haha

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Just over two weeks now! I wonder if they'll send them out even a day or two earlier.. I have to give a presentation on the 15th, so it would be nice to not be nervous about receiving the e-mail and giving the talk at the same time haha.


Oh boy, a presentation on the 15th, I would be completely distracted too. Not to mention hyperaware of my cell phone indicating new mail has arrived, I completely empathize!


I really hope it's a couple days early, particularly since they've been 1 to 3 days early the last three years. Last year it was May 11th. Overall I think I can relax this next week, but once May 8th hits I'll probably be a basket-case because it could come at anytime over those last seven days.

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Yeah we are almost there! I'm still more nervous than excited... I'm trying not to expect anything because I don't want to get too disappointed. I don't know how so many people can go through this process multiple times, it must take years off your life, so stressful. Good luck everyone!

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I'm nervous about the outcome but am excited for the waiting to be over, either way. The waiting is the worst part about all of this, I fluctuate from hopeful to hopeless.


I'm almost more anxious about getting waitlisted instead of either accepted or rejected outright (even though logically, being waitlisted is still better since it means you still have a chance), because I can't stand the idea of the wait being dragged on any longer...

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...I fluctuate from hopeful to hopeless.


That's exactly how I feel. I start becoming very excited and feeling great about finding out in two weeks. Next thing I know I plummet out of fear that my excitement may lead to disappointment. I've never had feelings like this dragged out so long, I'm glad I'm not alone! :eek:

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The flip flop in my feelings makes the wait so exhausting. One minute I'm thinking about everything I need to do if I did get in the next second I'm considering what to do if I didn't get in. I agree that being wait listed is some weird form of slow torture. It SUCKS to be one of the ones who is wait listed but never actually gets in. Knowing several other applicants doesn't really help either. I want my friends to get in but not without me! I have jammed packed my schedule in an attempt to not have time to think about it... so far its not working though.

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The flip flop in my feelings makes the wait so exhausting. One minute I'm thinking about everything I need to do if I did get in the next second I'm considering what to do if I didn't get in. I agree that being wait listed is some weird form of slow torture. It SUCKS to be one of the ones who is wait listed but never actually gets in. Knowing several other applicants doesn't really help either. I want my friends to get in but not without me! I have jammed packed my schedule in an attempt to not have time to think about it... so far its not working though.


With regards to WLs I would suggest acting like you didn't get in. Get a new plan, write the MCAT again, or something. There is no point on waiting around on a whim, it is safer to assume the worse and bounce off the wall if the best happens.

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With regards to WLs I would suggest acting like you didn't get in. Get a new plan, write the MCAT again, or something. There is no point on waiting around on a whim, it is safer to assume the worse and bounce off the wall if the best happens.


I read somewhere on a previous post from 2011 of Dr. Walker's that ~75% of WL get accepted ..this would be assume if it's true... hope it is.

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Here it is:





Here's what he said if you don't feel like going to the blog:

"Thus far, and we might get a handful more offers, 65% of the people on the waitlist got offers. Certainly not as high as last year, but not terrible either."



I would hate wait list purgatory, but if that percentage remains somewhat consisent then at least I could still have hope!



Edit: I started reading through more of the 2011 posts (I really need to find something else to do....) and in 2010 somewhere around 80 to 90% were accepted off the waitlist, although Dr. Walker no longer had the precise stat. Talk about massive movement...hopefully this year will be one of those years!

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Here it is:





Here's what he said if you don't feel like going to the blog:

"Thus far, and we might get a handful more offers, 65% of the people on the waitlist got offers. Certainly not as high as last year, but not terrible either."



I would hate wait list purgatory, but if that percentage remains somewhat consisent then at least I could still have hope!



Edit: I started reading through more of the 2011 posts (I really need to find something else to do....) and in 2010 somewhere around 80 to 90% were accepted off the waitlist, although Dr. Walker no longer had the precise stat. Talk about massive movement...hopefully this year will be one of those years!


Thanks for that :)


I hope I don't have to think about WL movement, but you never know

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I worried that with the larger interview numbers relative to the number of seat this year that : a) either the waitlist will be shorter or B) it will be the same length but not move as much.


Furthermore, there was mention that a lot of applicants from last year deferred to do leaders in medicine. Do those individuals for last year essentially take a seat away from this year?

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I worried that with the larger interview numbers relative to the number of seat this year that : a) either the waitlist will be shorter or B) it will be the same length but not move as much.


Furthermore, there was mention that a lot of applicants from last year deferred to do leaders in medicine. Do those individuals for last year essentially take a seat away from this year?


The PHd portion of the leaders in med is 5 years. So they won't affect this cycle at all.

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The PHd portion of the leaders in med is 5 years. So they won't affect this cycle at all.


I've heard from someone I know in the LIM program that quite a few (maybe 7 or 8?) of the MSc LIM students will be defending and ready to enter med school for 2013, thus taking up spots for those trying to get accepted this year. However, I am sure there will be a similar number of people getting into med school and entering LIM this year as well, so it should balance itself out (hopefully)!

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