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May 15th support group

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14 sleeps to go!


I think I'll be okay this week (except for the obsessive forum checking) but once May 8th hits I'll be a mess. In theory it could happen anytime in the last seven days...ahhhhh.


I'm just happy to see "May" on my calendars now!

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Going crazy here.. it's may 1st everyone.. this means we will have our decisions in only 2 weeks.. ARGGHHH





That's terrible but I like it lol.


I really want to know the outcome but at the same time I'm super nervous.


What are people's post-acceptance/regrets plans?


I'm hoping to travel. In the meantime...




It's just such an awesome image.

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What are people's post-acceptance/regrets plans?



Acceptance: Be ridiculously elated. Enjoy my summer. Make some extra time for my husband and kids, go camping, go to the park, just soak it all in.


Regrets: Study like a mad woman and write the MCAT again. Look into enrolling in another undergraduate program maybe nursing or midwifery (something health related)

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Acceptance? Faint from shock but then be ridiculously excited, withdraw from summer school, maybe travel and relax.


Regrets: be disappointed, continue summer school, work on improving for next year..


Waitlist: will attempt to follow my regrets plan in case the waitlist doesn't turn out.

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Oh, not me. I am teaching an 80-hr EMR course and their evaluation is friday. It's a full day of practical and written exams for them and I have zero time to check my email, never mind the fact that I can't even really check it at work becuase I don't have internet there to speak of. Gah.

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The LIM numbers fluctuate quite a bit per year. Last year there were around 18 new LIM students whereas the year before it was 7-8. Given that more and more people do grad school while waiting to get into med I would think it will be another 10-20 deferring this year to join LIM. I do know a few LIMers that are starting this year though which will offset the deferrals a bit. The 7-8 # sounds about right. It does tend to balance itself out though so it isn't worth stressing over. I would be prepared for an answer before May 15th. The blog posts suggest they will try to do it early if they can and I mean a friday at 4pm is better than a Monday at 4pm...that being said UC is unpredictable!



I've heard from someone I know in the LIM program that quite a few (maybe 7 or 8?) of the MSc LIM students will be defending and ready to enter med school for 2013, thus taking up spots for those trying to get accepted this year. However, I am sure there will be a similar number of people getting into med school and entering LIM this year as well, so it should balance itself out (hopefully)!
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9 more days!


The wait is getting to me now that I see May on my calendar. I really hope they send out the invites early. I think it's worse knowing that calgary is unpredictable and they can pretty much send out the invites anytime up until May 15th

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argh, going crazy here. i need some sort of decision soon!


Agreed! This is my first time applying and I can't imagine how hellish being waitlisted must feel. The uncertainty of waiting is way worse than not getting in.


Especially with Calgary starting early. All my summer plans are on hold just in case I get in and have to move across the country in July.

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That was horrible! My hands are still shaking!


They should have sent that out weeks ago, not the week before or potentially the week of the offers going out.


Also that tells me we must be at least a few days out from offers as they need time for people to get the email, fill out the form, send it back and then enter that 3rd party info into UCAN.

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I don't think getting that form means all that much. Accepted candidates will have until the end of the month to decide. The form is still useful if notifications come out soon for people travelling later in the month and wait listers. I still have Friday circled on my calendar.



Good luck whenever the news comes!

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That was horrible! My hands are still shaking!


They should have sent that out weeks ago, not the week before or potentially the week of the offers going out.


Also that tells me we must be at least a few days out from offers as they need time for people to get the email, fill out the form, send it back and then enter that 3rd party info into UCAN.


Yeah I feel bad for those already traveling internationally... because offers are coming really soon, this email seem to be coming late in the game.

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