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Police/Vulnerable Sector Check

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I just have a quick question regarding the criminal background check. Let's just say I end up getting an offer of admission to UBC and end up going as an OOP from Ontario. For the police check, do I have to get it from Toronto or can I go through the process in Vancouver? Perhaps current medical students might have a better idea about this.



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My understanding from record checks in the past for volunteering is that the Vancouver police could extract the necessary information from your home province, but the process will likely go much faster if you get it directly from home since there is one less step. Hope that helps!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a question for criminal record check for OOP.


In the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia (CPSBC) Documents package, there is a "consent to criminal record check" form that needs to be filled.


As an Ontario (Toronto) resident, do I simply fill up the fill up all the forms, then have them sent to the CPSBC before the deadline, or do I have to do a separate criminal record check from the Toronto Police?


I ask this, b/c some schools like U of A require applicants to get these criminal record checks by themselves from the local police station.


I would like to think that all I need to do is to fill up those forms, then mail them to CPSBC before the deadline, but any OOP who has any experience would be great. Thanks!

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