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MCAT Pressure

Guest ChrisJones

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Guest ChrisJones

How does one deal with pressure they are facing when the MCAT is 2 weeks away? i.e. how do you build confidence and eliminate the fear of having to write again?



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Guest darlaa

I've been talking with friends who have written it and succeeded.


The one who did the best just gave up. He treated every section as if he could void it at any time. He didn't, but could have.


I haven't reached that level of complacency yet though :o


Re. building confidence, I keep remembering the folks in my psych physiology class who didn't know where the cerebellum was at the end of the semester, and smile at the fact that this is a percentile thing. They will be there padding the bottom for us. I know that I'm doing everything I can. I know that the practice exam marks do not reflect how I may actually perform (previously mentioned friend jumped 8 points from practice to real).


I'm still freaking out, but not nearly as much as I was last week.

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Guest avenir001

I'm most nervous about VR...I hate VR...at least the other sections can be engaging as I work through them...VR bores me to death and is my weakest section. It sure would be nice to improve on VR by 8 points on the real MCAT though :b

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Guest daryn

I hate WS the most. I'm not confident at all because this is what is making me take the MCAT again even though my other scores are fine.


13 days guys. 13 days. count them.

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I'm trying to study this week like I have lots more time - this way I won't get panicky and start trying to cram as much as possible into my head. If I don't get something, I just pick away at it for as long as it takes. I'm trying not to think about the probably sizable body of info that I don't know.


Also, I'm finding it helpful to remember that I can void at the end, and that it's good practice for the next exam, should I need to take it. Plus, I'm somewhat comforted by the fact that if I do badly, I can rewrite in January (the new CBT = more dates), so that awful number won't scar my application for too long!


Most of all, it's nice to know that there are god-knows-how-many people out there feeling just like I am. :eek:


I keep telling myself that the format of the test - the ridiculous length and scary tables and all - is specifically designed to weed out people who let it overwhelm them.

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Semi-hyperventilating here..


I wrote the MCAT last year and got

8 VR

11 BS

12 PS


My VR mark isn't the greatest..

I'm writing again on Saturday...there's just this worry in me that I will do worse this time around...on the practice tests I've been getting 11's and 12's in BS and PS, and mostly 9's in verbal with the occasional 8.

My only concern is that if my verbal mark stays an 8 and the other 2 are 11s, my total will go down by one mark...

...Sigh....I guess I could always void it if I'm not satisfied..but then again, there's really no way of knowing how you did by the end of the MCAT

My GPA is 3.97 (omsas), and I've done research for 2 summers

...I guess I have a shot at U of T with my existing scores, but definitely not Western or Queens or even some schools outside of Ontario....but I really wish these schools would just look at whatever MCAT I decided to submit!!



Oh well..I've been studying for the whole summer..I might as well risk it right?


Sorry I had to rant


Good luck to everyone!

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