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Regarding WS list of examples:

Guest ComplacentTragedy

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Guest ComplacentTragedy

Dear People of the World:


I, Complacent Tragedy aka Mr. Suckyname, am not in Canada, or near my computer. This means every time I get a PM asking for my list of writing sample items mentioned in an earlier post of mine, I become a little more sad, because I can do nothing.


I'm hoping that someone, of the people I sent that list to, can pass it around on my behalf, because I dont' return until the end of July... not that anyone will miss me... sniff.


So anyone looking for that list, please post your name or e-mail or something under this post so hopefully someone can help you. It's probably best not to PM me... unless you're a cute girl, then PM me.


- David


Oh, sorry, cute AND single. And desperate. Very desperate.

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Guest avenir001

I was one of the ppl Complacent sent his list to. Wow it would've been such a shame had I waited a couple days longer to make a public plea for him on the forums :lol

goredmen I already emailed you the list...and whoever else wants it can leave their emails here or email me at asteroid5577@hotmail.com

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Guest SevenAges

Hehe. I posted and I didn't realize the person above had already sent it on! In any case, if anyone wants it you can PM me as well (or post on here) and I'd be willing to send it to you.

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Guest SevenAges

It's sent. If you don't get it/there's something wrong with the file post back here and I'll attempt to fix it with my savvy computer skills. ;) (or lack thereof... )

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Guest SevenAges

All right. It is sent (to the three posts above this one). I may just put it online somewhere if a large number of people want it.

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Guest ComplacentTragedy

I am thoroughly impressed by the number of people who want my fudgiddy fudge fudge.


Thanks alot to those who pass on whatever.


- David


And sorry to those who are severely disappointed when they open the file.

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Guest avenir001

Premed11, I just sent you a copy...

And David, no disappointment...your fudgety fudge fudge was a very good starting point for generating ideas and I think the national average on the WS might go up this year because of it :P

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Guest 4shattered4

I didn't see this thread. I can help too considering that David was nice enough to send it to me, so if people need it, you can also PM me if you don't want to post your e-mail online =P

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