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Provincial Tuition Tax Credits

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How much are you provincial ones compared to federal? The only ones mentioned on my notice of assessment are federal.


They do move with you - you cannot lose them in any way actually until you use them.


The rate varies by province - it usually the lowest marginal provincial tax rate - around 6% for Ontario for instance.

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I currently seem to have 80,000 federal and 89,000 provincial. I think. That's what CRA told me when I called, anyway. Not going to lie, I'm not exactly 100% sure what that means.


roughly speaking take the 80K Fed x 0.16 = how much you won't have to eventually pay in Fed income tax during residency.


roughly speaking take the 89K Prov x 0.625 = how much you won't have to eventually pay in Prov income tax during residency


you will add to these amounts during your next two years.


end result - roughly 20K more in your pocket in the end in tax savings. Expect big refunds.

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