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Does Dal reject first time applicants because they are first time applicants?

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I heard from people that applicants who applied to Dal for the first time, only to get rejected, that the reason for their rejection was that Dal wanted to see whether the applicant was dedicated enough to Dal to apply a second time. In the circumstance where the first time applicant was rejected, Dal encouraged them to apply a second time, which would increase the applicant's chance of getting into Dal Med School.


Has anyone in this forum heard of anything like this, or am I the only person to come across this?

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I think at least a third of my class consists of people who got in first try, straight from undergrad. There was a stat posted somewhere on the admissions website that said X number of people were in their last year of undergrad at the time of admission, Y had graduated, and Z had grad degrees... They probably have something similar up for the class of 2016 right now...

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I heard from people that applicants who applied to Dal for the first time, only to get rejected, that the reason for their rejection was that Dal wanted to see whether the applicant was dedicated enough to Dal to apply a second time. In the circumstance where the first time applicant was rejected, Dal encouraged them to apply a second time, which would increase the applicant's chance of getting into Dal Med School.


Has anyone in this forum heard of anything like this, or am I the only person to come across this?


Yeah, this is just not true at all. Acadia sends 4-5 students straight from undergrad to Dal Med as first time applicants every year. How do I know? I'm friends with about 10 of the past 15 Acadia students to get into Dal Med on their first tries right out of undergrad. Also, I was accepted to Dal Med on my first try, right out of undergrad, as a 21 year old.



(I've recently declined the offer in favour of one from Queens, but I was accepted, so they most definitely do NOT reject first time applicants just because they are first time applicants.)

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