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Interesting Opportunity for Dal Students

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I work for a startup called Movable Science. We recently released our first product, Figure 1. It is a healthcare photo-sharing app and we are looking to get the word out to medical students (who we think would find it particularly useful!). Our app just launched in Toronto this week and we are looking to get in touch with reputable medical schools across Canada. The reason I’m posting is because we are looking for ambassadors to help Figure 1 continue to expand. We are a small start-up but are looking to make a big impact on the medical community, empowering doctors and patients alike by improving healthcare through technological innovation. You would be taking part in the beginning stages of a company with a huge potential for success, and something that may serve as a solid resume builder in the future.


If this is something you might be interested in, please feel free email me at rdiamond@movablescience.com. If you need any more info, check out figure1.com.

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