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"Completion of Honours Degree"

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The admissions page says that to be eligible you must have completed an honours degree, but what exactly do they mean by an honours degree? On the OMSAS handbook it mentions nothing about completing an honours program, only that you have completed a four-year undergrad program at a recognized institution.


I did not do an Honours in Physiology at McGill, I only majored in Physiology. However, I have at least two full academic years of 30 or more credit hours for full time study, and I meet the 3/5 rule every year. My two best years also meet the minimum GPA. Can I still apply?



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This question gets asked all the time - it's not the same as an honours degree at McGill.


They just want you to complete a four year degree at a university.


They took out the "honours" wording recently I think - could be that it hasn't been changed on the website yet.

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