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should i sell my physics notes for $100? (or need them for mcat?)

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If the powepoint slides were provided by your prof, they aren't yours to sell - they are the intellectual property of the prof.


If you were just selling notes that you took, that didn't include the prof's slides, that would be different. But slides created by someone else are NOT yours to sell.


Hopefully a future physician would realize that it is not ethical to sell intellectual property that does not belong to you.

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If the powepoint slides were provided by your prof, they aren't yours to sell - they are the intellectual property of the prof.


If you were just selling notes that you took, that didn't include the prof's slides, that would be different. But slides created by someone else are NOT yours to sell.


Hopefully a future physician would realize that it is not ethical to sell intellectual property that does not belong to you.


I agree... unless the OP created the slides, they shouldn't be selling it

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