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Which schools value GPA ?


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how about U of A ?? the problem is not every schools puts the formula on how they calculate the overall score of an applicant


Has one of, if not, the highest GPA cut offs in the country. EC scores are tightly distributed.




4.0 scale where A and A+ = 4.0

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have a 4.0 and score 20% in the PCAT you can still get into some schools, and I know people that have a 2.6 GPA that have been accepted to programs because of their 40 hours of community service a week.

The reason I'm asking this is because I did really well on the PCAT (99% in all sections - except reading, 96%), but I only have a 3.0 GPA, 1 year pharmacy tech experience and no community service.



these spammers are getting more and more creative. Pretends to ask a question and inserts spam in signature. clever. But at least google to know that its the MCAT not PCAT

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I wanna know which schools put emphasis on grades rather than EC's ?


You need to be stellar across the board, or be lucky, and where you are required to write narratives, you need to be really good. A 4.0 by itself is meaningless if the other ingredients are missing. A lesser GPA with otherwise stellar narratives, etc can go far. And of course, there is the MCAT for most med schools.

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If you have a 4.0 and score 20% in the PCAT you can still get into some schools, and I know people that have a 2.6 GPA that have been accepted to programs because of their 40 hours of community service a week.

The reason I'm asking this is because I did really well on the PCAT (99% in all sections - except reading, 96%), but I only have a 3.0 GPA, 1 year pharmacy tech experience and no community service.


My mind is blown at the quality of this spam. Too bad the admission wasn't right for this section.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The Canadian schools that put less emphasis on ECs are the french med schools in Quebec and Western (where ECs are mainly evaluated indirectly via interview)


although Westerns just redirects that GPA focus to the MCAT which is arguably just another form of academics.

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lol this made me laugh more than it should have :P


plus there is that little thing called the interview :)


People really forget that at a lot of places that counts for 50+% of your ultimate admission score. It is easy for even 4.0 people to get beaten out by their competition

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