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Thought I'd update my post now that I've written my MCAT.


Hi all,


Just wondering if it's worth it for me to apply to UofC.


A little info about me:

I'm in province and have been for 20 years lol

Took my BScN and fast-tracked...the program I took teaches through a context-based learning method (very similar to PBL)

Graduated with distinction with wGPA of ~3.7 in nursing in 2012

No science background other than what I've taken in nursing school...microbiology, anatomy, pathophysiology

I've worked full-time as a nurse in a medical-surgical/bariatric unit, cardiology/telemetry, and a med-surg ICU/CCU

Volunteered at a hospital for 5 years

Volunteered and still volunteering for Camp Quality (camp for kids living with cancer)

I acted as mentor for new nursing students in my final 2 years of nursing school

I have made policy changes at a couple hospitals in Alberta as part of projects during my nursing school

My MCAT scores vary and it's probably going to hinder me...VR 10 BS 11 PS 5 (eek! I have no science background as I said and studied maybe 3 months). I'm planning to take it again in June after studying for a couple more months.

I will be 25 by the time applications are due.

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Would you mind breaking your GPA down by year with the number of credits (only include Fall/Winter)?


That reminds me that I have to contact UofC because I fast-tracked. I basically finished my degree early by not taking a summer break. So my final year went from Spring to Fall. I'll update when I find out.

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Hi all,


Just wondering if it's worth it for me to apply to UofC.


A little info about me:

BScN with GPA of 3.7

No science background other than what I've taken in nursing school.

I've worked as a nurse in a medical-surgical/bariatric unit, cardiology/telemetry, and a med-surg ICU/CCU.

Volunteered at the hospital from gr. 7-12

Volunteered and still volunteering for Camp Quality (camp for kids living with cancer)

I acted as mentor for new nursing students in my final 2 years of nursing school

I have made policy changes at a couple hospitals in Alberta as part of projects during my nursing school

I have not written my MCAT yet but plan to take it in a few months after studying for a couple months now.

I work full time as well.

I will be 25 by the time applications are due.


In my mind, you have a very good shot at U of C (pending a decent MCAT score). Im in the 2014 class, and have several RNs as my classmates who are doing exceptionally well and matched really well to their desired specialties as well.

I was in the same boat as you with regards to fast tracking my undergrad (Biochem), since I finished my 4 year program in 3 as well. And trust me, your nursing skills will be much more useful than my "science" skills were in med school. Good luck!

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In my mind, you have a very good shot at U of C (pending a decent MCAT score). Im in the 2014 class, and have several RNs as my classmates who are doing exceptionally well and matched really well to their desired specialties as well.

I was in the same boat as you with regards to fast tracking my undergrad (Biochem), since I finished my 4 year program in 3 as well. And trust me, your nursing skills will be much more useful than my "science" skills were in med school. Good luck!


Just wondering then, how did they calculate your GPA if your fast track year doesn't count?

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Just wondering then, how did they calculate your GPA if your fast track year doesn't count?


KobeoverLebron will be able to give you a more personal perspective on that question. But, in general, fast tracking a BSc isn't the same as fast tracking a BScN/BN. In any case, it really doesn't matter - at the UofC - as long as you have at least two years (September-April) with 24 credits/year. Obviously, if you have more then two, they'll drop your lowest GPA year, because you've already completed your degree.

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Would you mind breaking your GPA down by year with the number of credits (only include Fall/Winter)?


1st year (Fall/Winter): 3.6, 24 credits

2nd year (Fall/Winter): 3.6, 27 credits

3rd year (Fall/Winter): 3.7, 30 credits

4th year (Spring/Summer/Fall): I emailed the director about this because I fast-tracked. They told me my fast track year counts because I had no choice but to take it at that time . So my GPA for this year was 3.7, 24 credits

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1st year (Fall/Winter): 3.6, 24 credits

2nd year (Fall/Winter): 3.6, 27 credits

3rd year (Fall/Winter): 3.7, 30 credits

4th year (Spring/Summer/Fall): I emailed the director about this because I fast-tracked. They told me my fast track year counts because I had no choice but to take it at that time . So my GPA for this year was 3.7, 24 credits


That's great information, thank you for sharing.


With UofCs weighting formula, you have ~3.67 wGPA, so that's more then enough to be competitive as an IP (GPA wise). As others have already mentioned, you'll have to shoot for a >8 VR on the MCAT if you want to go straight onto full file review when you apply. But, 60% of the pre-interview score is on non-cognitive attributes, so it's probably going to come down to your reference letters and how well you write your Top 10.

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That's great information, thank you for sharing.


With UofCs weighting formula, you have ~3.67 wGPA, so that's more then enough to be competitive as an IP (GPA wise). As others have already mentioned, you'll have to shoot for a >8 VR on the MCAT if you want to go straight onto full file review when you apply. But, 60% of the pre-interview score is on non-cognitive attributes, so it's probably going to come down to your reference letters and how well you write your Top 10.


Thanks so much for the info :)

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  • 1 month later...

You will need to retake the MCAT. Try to aim for a 10 (your other sections are very good!). Doing practice exams really help as they types of questions tend to repeat. You just need to get used to their style of questions rather than cramming in all the contents from reading books. Even if you have done the practice exams before, there is value to revisit these exams and figure out why the right answer is right and how the wrong answers worded to trick you.


The lowest you can go is probably an 8 but definitely aim high!


Just to update: my MCAT score is crap...particularly my PS. VR 10 BS 11 PS 5. Is it worth it for me to write it again? What's the lowest score you've heard of in PS that got into UofC?
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Just to update: my MCAT score is crap...particularly my PS. VR 10 BS 11 PS 5. Is it worth it for me to write it again? What's the lowest score you've heard of in PS that got into UofC?


You will need to retake the MCAT. Try to aim for a 10 (your other sections are very good!). Doing practice exams really help as they types of questions tend to repeat. You just need to get used to their style of questions rather than cramming in all the contents from reading books. Even if you have done the practice exams before, there is value to revisit these exams and figure out why the right answer is right and how the wrong answers worded to trick you.


The lowest you can go is probably an 8 but definitely aim high!


I thought I'd add, that although you could rewrite the MCAT, it's not necessary. Your VR score meets the cut-off, which is what really matters. The PS score will be evaluated in their global assessment, and will have very little impact on you. The reason for this is because, everything gets combined in the global assessment (i.e. course work, grade trends, MCAT score, etc) and it's only worth 10% of your pre-interview score. Compare that to the 10% VR score, 20% GPA, and 60% non-cognitive skills weighting, and it's probably the last thing you should be worrying about.


My $0.05

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