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Why UofC?

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There are no shortage of that discussions in this forum and also in the U of A forum...like u of a vs u of C.


The basic fact is U of C is a 3 year program, great if you are into family. You have to work harder if you're into other specialties, but is do-able.

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U of C is very non-traditional student friendly, probably the most of all schools I've seen. 50% of their students, it seems, are entering after time off post-college. So if this is you (older than 24), well I haven't seen a friendlier school.


McMaster was the other school that felt very welcoming as a non-trad, even having a non-trad rep speak at the interviews.


In many ways U of C resembles McMaster, it's a bit more innovative and trying its own thing.

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Pro: very clinically oriented teaching (presentation based learning with basic science integrated. Curriculum is similar to Mac but not entirely PBL. There's more structured didactic lectures at Calgary I think. Not very familiar with Mac's curriculum so can't comment too much), early clinical exposure, faculties are shadowing friendly, lots of potential to gain clinical skills early if you are self directed. Great flexibility with most lectures podcasted. Lots of small group cases that really help with developing clinical approach. Very supportive environment. Great collegiality among students and faculty.


Con: Three year program provides less time for you to consolidate your knowledge so you need to study hard all the time. No summer breaks in first two years which can cause learning fatigue. Electives early before core rotations which means you have to know what you want early and you are probably less experienced than other school's students who has completed a year of core rotation.


Overall, I really enjoy my time at UofC and love my class. I think the curriculum is fantastic if you are self directed. If I were to do it again, I'd still go to UofC. With regards to matching, I think our match overall is comparable to most other schools. Many students match to competitive specialities every year.

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