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Haha great point. They start in July so it would be nice if they let us know a little ahead of time! Give us a chance to let it soak in (whether it is joy or crushing defeat)


And Mun has yet to release letters for OOP applicants I believe

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I only hope they release early if I am one of the accepted or rejected. If I am waitlisted just wait until the 15th to tell me (since we have to wait 'til June to know definitively anyway).


I have nightmares about being waitlisted

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I have this magical and completely unrealistic dream in my head that Calgary will decide to release offers a month early (so tomorrow) since they start a month early.


I know it won't happen, especially since they said the other schools didn't like it, but it's good to dream, right?

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I don't understand why they care.


Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. In Ontario, once you accept an offer from 1 school, you get kicked off from all other schools. I'm going to assume it's the same for UofC and UofA? Based on this assumption, then I can see why UofA is not too pleased with UofC spilling the beans early.


Let's say that both UofC and UofA give 20 days (just an arbitrary number) for each applicant to accept an acceptance offer. This poses a problem to a minority of students.


1. Let's say Person A has gotten an acceptance from UofC and is waitlisted at UofA.

2. Person A prefers UofA over UofC (for whatever reason).

3. UofC releases their results 7 days before UofA.

4. Instead of having the privilege of waiting 20 days for the hopes of getting off the waitlist, Person A only has mere 13 days.

5. Person A has no other choice but to accept UofC (the risks are far too great).


IF accepting UofC's offer does not kick you off UofA's waitlist, then Person has just committed a non refundable deposit of $1000.

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Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. In Ontario, once you accept an offer from 1 school, you get kicked off from all other schools. I'm going to assume it's the same for UofC and UofA? Based on this assumption, then I can see why UofA is not too pleased with UofC spilling the beans early.


Let's say that both UofC and UofA give 20 days (just an arbitrary number) for each applicant to accept an acceptance offer. This poses a problem to a minority of students.


1. Let's say Person A has gotten an acceptance from UofC and is waitlisted at UofA.

2. Person A prefers UofA over UofC (for whatever reason).

3. UofC releases their results 7 days before UofA.

4. Instead of having the privilege of waiting 20 days for the hopes of getting off the waitlist, Person A only has mere 13 days.

5. Person A has no other choice but to accept UofC (the risks are far too great).


IF accepting UofC's offer does not kick you off UofA's waitlist, then Person has just committed a non refundable deposit of $1000.


It doesn't kick you off the wait list I don't think. That only happens in Ontario since its a standardized system.


Calgary's deposit is only 500$ (exactly for this reason! according to Dr. Walker). While that's not chump change, it's also not so much money that I would spend 3-4 years at my second choice school (if, in your example, I got in off the wait list at U of A) rather than forfeit my deposit.


Or they could just standardize their response deadline, ie, release offers whenever, but neither require a response till May 31, or whatever.


That way, if Calgary releases earlier:


1) people who only had one interview/know they want to go to Calgary have extra time to get ready

2) people who had more than one interview and are accepted at Calgary at least have some peace of mind

3) Calgary gets to have a portion of their class nailed down early. Even in the "worst case" scenario of every single applicant waiting till U of A releases to decide, it's no worse for the school than if they had released on the same day as U of A

4) People in the situation you described above don't have a problem, as they can wait till the response deadline to decide


I just don't see very many negatives to this system...


Even if they don't do what I just described, the number of people in the situation you are talking about is likely VERY small, and not enough for U of A to get angry about, in my opinion.


Maybe there is some other reason.

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Thanks for replying. You brought up good points.


Since Calgary starts classes in July, it would warrant UofC to release offers a bit earlier. Perhaps the whole comment about UofA looking down on early decisions is simply false?


Well, someone didn't like it, according to Dr. Walker. U of A is the obvious choice, since no one else really competes with Calgary for a significant number of students.


Honestly, if I had to guess, I would say that most of the med schools are stuck in their way and don't like it when someone (Calgary) rocks the boat.


Any yes, I agree. May 15 - July 24 is not a lot of time to make a major life change. Especially if you're like me, having lived at home my whole life. Moving would be a huge transition.


Or even more so for people with families to move.

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This was asked at my interview.


No matter when the offers are sent the response deadline is May 31st for both Calgary and Alberta.


The big problem with this was last year when U of C sent out their offers a week early, a LOT of people started calling the already busy U of A office asking if offers would come out early there too. It slowed down the office enough that they were 'upset.'


It also depends on when the government finally allocates the number of seats and funding to the program. They can't send out offers without having a confirmed number of seats. We just have to be patient.

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This was asked at my interview.


No matter when the offers are sent the response deadline is May 31st for both Calgary and Alberta.


The big problem with this was last year when U of C sent out their offers a week early, a LOT of people started calling the already busy U of A office asking if offers would come out early there too. It slowed down the office enough that they were 'upset.'


It also depends on when the government finally allocates the number of seats and funding to the program. They can't send out offers without having a confirmed number of seats. We just have to be patient.



It looks like somebody has some sources on the inside ;)


And I agree let's just be patient. No matter how good our arguments are we are not going to change their minds by talking about it on this forum

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