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This was asked at my interview.


No matter when the offers are sent the response deadline is May 31st for both Calgary and Alberta.


The big problem with this was last year when U of C sent out their offers a week early, a LOT of people started calling the already busy U of A office asking if offers would come out early there too. It slowed down the office enough that they were 'upset.'


It also depends on when the government finally allocates the number of seats and funding to the program. They can't send out offers without having a confirmed number of seats. We just have to be patient.


I can understand that, but people who are doing that are stupid, honestly. That's not U of Cs fault. Maybe they could put a "this is just us, don't call anyone else" in their email?


Also, didn't someone say U of A has already confirmed their number of seats? Why hasn't U of C then?

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This was covered on the blog a few post back. Someone laid out why early offers would be great for some and (mostly) inconsequential for everyone else. Dr. Walker acknowledged but didn't really address the post. I am sure it is just a bureaucratic sort of thing, but it also sounds like it is on their radar. May 13th at the latest, anyway.

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Thanks for the update. Dates can always change but more likely than not we will have to wait a whole month :(


On another note I'm getting worried because as far as I know none if my verifiers have been contacted :confused: ...unless they just never told me. Have other people had their verifiers contacted?

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Thanks for the update. Dates can always change but more likely than not we will have to wait a whole month :(


On another note I'm getting worried because as far as I know none if my verifiers have been contacted :confused: ...unless they just never told me. Have other people had their verifiers contacted?


Yeah one of mine was contacted (they emailed me the thread its just pretty much to confirm that the dates and position you put in the application are real). But as many have stated, verifier checks are random, and if you look back in the threads from previous years, some people who had verifier checks didn't get an offer.


Don't sweat it! Your golden :)

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Like Sasktime said "we're golden". Haha I love it thanks for the encouraging words :)


There is still a month left until decisions are made so I would think they are still in the process of contacting verifiers and hopefully they get to us at some point.


I could see people who have had verifiers contacted not getting offers, but I would not expect someone to get an offer if a verifier wasn't contacted. so if mine aren't contacted by the second week of May I won't feel too good. But like I said lots of time left!

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Like Sasktime said "we're golden". Haha I love it thanks for the encouraging words :)


There is still a month left until decisions are made so I would think they are still in the process of contacting verifiers and hopefully they get to us at some point.


I could see people who have had verifiers contacted not getting offers, but I would not expect someone to get an offer if a verifier wasn't contacted. so if mine aren't contacted by the second week of May I won't feel too good. But like I said lots of time left!


None of my verifiers were contacted last year, but I still got an offer. :P

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That or they forgot to tell you :P


Either way thanks for letting us know!


Fair enough! I asked them all to let me know if they heard anything, but you are right, someone could have forgotten haha.


Either way, I believe Dr. Walker has said a few times that it's completely random who they verify. I found one quote from my cycle:


Overall, we check about a third of the verifiers. In many cases we don’t check any. Its really just part of our due diligence to keep everyone honest, since people know that if they misrepresent themselves and get caught, they are likely done as a medical school applicant in Calgary.


So if that still holds true, there could definitely be people who get in who don't have any verifiers contacted. :)

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What stops someone from fabricating email accounts and verifiers, or for that matter, from creating fake phone numbers through prepaid phone accounts? If someone wants in badly enough...


As Dr. Walker said, the chance that they could get caught should deter most people. They know UofC check things, and they know they have a chance to be checked, so why make stuff up, just in case?


I don't think there's any feasible way they could check every verifier for every activity on all of the interviewees applications, so this is how they try to keep people honest.

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What stops someone from fabricating email accounts and verifiers, or for that matter, from creating fake phone numbers through prepaid phone accounts? If someone wants in badly enough...


The fact that you would even consider that worries me...

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Anyone hear about the mass murder at u of C? Extremely tragic. And if calgary was hoping to get people to go there over alberta they cannot be happy about this!



Seriously? You think UofC is worried about people picking UofA over them because of this at the moment? Wow. Pretty sure the university is more concerned with helping people get through this than some perceived competition with UofA for medical students.

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I have friends who were very close to the victims.

It is so tragic... Putting myself in their shoes...

I will be celebrating the end of my undergrad in about 2 weeks myself

and having your life cut short

(or watching your friends being murdered in front of your eyes)

at such a joyful celebration... words can't begin to describe what that must be like...


:( :(


On an unrelated note,

Hope everyone's exams are going well! I have 2 left before I start checking my emails like a lunatic

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There was less than 20 people there.


With mental health issues can sometimes come very special amounts of strength. Also possible that others tried to intervene and got hurt as well. Also, it was 1-2AM, so I have heard it implied that maybe some people were sleeping or otherwise subdued.

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I think there are lots of other forums and news sources to get more information about this tragic event in Calgary.

With all due respect to those impacted and affected in every way, I would encourage to return to the nervous-anxious waitlist thread

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