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alcohol was made for times like these. numb the pain of waiting for a week :) then worry about fixing your liver after your acceptance! or continue ruining it with waitlisted/rejection...


I have a stupid work schedule right now which kind of makes that impossible.

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After all these months of applying, interviewing and waiting, we all will soon know the result. I can absolutely understand the anxiety of wanting to know rightnow! as I am so there, but I have to say that whatever happens next week please know that everything you have done up to this point and whatever happens, you are of a very, very small few who are able to compete for arguably one of the hardest, most rigorous fields in the world.


Not getting into medical school does not mean you are not a wonderful, smart, thoughtful person.

This will be my third time around and whatever happens I'm just really proud of myself for having this crazy dream and doing whatever it takes to go after it.

If I don't make it, that's really alright because I can't say I didn't try. And I hope once the anxiety, happiness or rage subsides from next week, we all can feel similarly. :)

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After all these months of applying, interviewing and waiting, we all will soon know the result. I can absolutely understand the anxiety of wanting to know rightnow! as I am so there, but I have to say that whatever happens next week please know that everything you have done up to this point and whatever happens, you are of a very, very small few who are able to compete for arguably one of the hardest, most rigorous fields in the world.


Not getting into medical school does not mean you are not a wonderful, smart, thoughtful person.

This will be my third time around and whatever happens I'm just really proud of myself for having this crazy dream and doing whatever it takes to go after it.

If I don't make it, that's really alright because I can't say I didn't try. And I hope once the anxiety, happiness or rage subsides from next week, we all can feel similarly. :)


Thanks for the kind post!


In contrast, this is my first time applying to any medical school (I'm one of the youngest in the applicant pool). It's tough because my interview in Feb. was my first MMI ever, so I have no idea how to feel about it. One day I'll think to myself "Yeah, that went great! I'm in!" and the next I'll flip sides and adopt the "UoC won't take someone so young and immature as me".


Before I left the house for my interview, my dad told me "No matter what happens, I'm so proud of you." I hope all of you guys can take these words to heart! To get this far is a huge achievement, no matter the outcome. I've prepared myself for the worst, but still hoping for the best! 6 days!

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