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Calgary or McMaster?

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Never been to a 3 year program, but based on various people's feedback, there is no significant difference between Cal and Mac. I would choose based on personal preference considering things like where you want to live for 3 years, proximity to family and friends, etc.

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accidentally deleted your post. Question was Calg vs Mac and why


First of all, congrats!


Mac is very focused on evidence based medicine. Probably a better choice if you want to pursue an academic career. Also very close to Toronto and you can carry out research projects at UofT (or collaborate). If you want a community career then doesn't really matter.


Based on the students we've worked with, both schools produce very solid clerks who are clinically excellent and very pleasant to work with.

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Doesn't matter. Both will give you a good education and chance at matching.


Don't worry about stuff like academic vs. community career. You are too early to know that stuff now. Even if you think you do it will likely change several times over. Plus residency is when you really decide and influence that stuff anyway.


Pick the location you like better.

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Calgary is a very different city than Hamilton/Waterloo/Niagara. A lot should come down to which city you like better, although 3 years isn't that long of a time. Personally I'd take the Rockies over the ex-steel belt but if I didn't have a choice I'd happily go to Mac.

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