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Odd LOR Question

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I think that the following example will be able to effectively convey my question:



As you prepare your application for med school, you are contemplating on whom you should ask to be your last referee. You have narrowed it down to two individuals. You have known the first potential referee a couple years longer than the second (I know what you're thinking at this point - hold that thought), but you feel that the other potential referee still knows you well enough to write a meaningful letter of recommendation, albeit won't have as many examples to draw from as they create it. Here is what I'm curious about: if the first referee has average writing skills (I know that this is a controversial statement and one may not be able to accurately make such a claim, etc., etc.; for simplicity sake, let's say that this is the reality) and the second one is an outstanding writer (ie. English professor, very articulate and persuasive), would you consider the second referee a better choice?


I was just trying to imagine an adcom being equally, if not more, impressed with the second letter.


Btw, I am currently not in a situation like this and I am sure that such a scenario wouldn't make or break an application; I'm simply interested in knowing everyone's thoughts on the topic. :)

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