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Does Common-Sense Prevail When Reviewers Review A File?

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Hey everyone,


Do you think common sense prevails when a reviewer reads your experiences?


For a lack of a better example:


If the title of your job is a Taxi Driver for a cab company

-do you really think one would need to state "drove clients to destination promptly" lol


unless you needed to fill characters since the activity was short or not that great, do we REALLY need to state what we did as obvious as that if it's OBVIOUS in our name/nature of our job.


I understand research assistant for a university is something different----but as a taxi driver or server---do you think there's a need to state "I drove a taxi for clients" or "served food"? 


Thanks guys! Hopefully this helps other people as well!



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For titles which make the situation quite obvious, I think it's an excellent opportunity to take advantage of the extra characters. I don't think you need to be redundant in stating the purposes of a taxi driver; instead, you can use the characters to comment on how it helped you for a career in medicine. 

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thanks guys! just what I thought.


and herewego, I was ranked the fastest taxi driver in an international taxi driving competition. I was consistently ranked #1 in races that took place in high density cities such as Tokyo and Mumbai. Some routes didn't even have proper roads or lanes.


In fact, I was offered to be the President's personal driver, but I turned it down in favour to pursue Medicine ;)

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