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Special Applicant Category U Of Manitoba

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 I was wondering if anyone has had any experience applying to the special applicant category at the University of Manitoba. More specifically the second part that says : "having recent work experience in areas acceptable to the committee as relevant to the health sciences." I was wondering if anyone knows what exactly this means. I worked in a dental office in the summer after my second year of university. I worked as a receptionist as well as did sterilization and some chair side assisting. I am wondering if this would count or if one needs credentials for example, having a dental assistant diploma.

  Secondly, if I apply to this category and am rejected as a special applicant will my application just be put into the regular category?





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U of M gets no coverage here on the boards, sadly.  I would call the admissions office and ask.  


I believe (second hand info) that the criteria for the special applicant category is different from the regular applicant pool.  There's an essay you need to submit with your application and the interview is different from the CDA style interview.  How they then compare your application to the rest of the applicants in the regular pool is anyone's guess.  Contrary to U of T, I think there's very few grad students that get accepted to U of M through the special applicant category.  Or maybe because no one from ON even considers MB.

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