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Uwo Special Year

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Anyone who has done a special year and has gotten interviews?

Not sure if it will look favorably.. My best 2 avg is a 87% =( So I was thinkig of doing a special year and bring it up, to at least a 90. 


PS. Special years are academic years done AFTER graduation.



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Anyone who has done a special year and has gotten interviews?

Not sure if it will look favorably.. My best 2 avg is a 87% =( So I was thinkig of doing a special year and bring it up, to at least a 90. 


PS. Special years are academic years done AFTER graduation.




Have you applied to Western? 87 isn't awfully bad at all. The admission average for this year was 89%, so looking individually, there are some deviations from that grade. If I were you, I'd focus more on the DAT and the interview. My friend got into Western with below average GPA. For Western, I think the interview is pretty much what determines whether you get in or not (given, of course, that your other stats are average-ish).

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Thanks for the boost of confidence!

Im just worried a little because it says 60% academics.

Yes I have an 87 avg, but I don't have that many academic awards to go along with it.

Have you applied to Western? 87 isn't awfully bad at all. The admission average for this year was 89%, so looking individually, there are some deviations from that grade. If I were you, I'd focus more on the DAT and the interview. My friend got into Western with below average GPA. For Western, I think the interview is pretty much what determines whether you get in or not (given, of course, that your other stats are average-ish).

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