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Calgary Vs Alberta. Where Would You Go For Ug?

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Hey fellow future doctors!


So lets get to the point, I'm about to start my journey of becoming a doctor. So for undergrad I've decided to go for Biological sciences major following the guidance of some of my honourable seniors on this site!


So the thing is I want to stay in Alberta for my UG because my home's in Calgary. But I have the option of going to university of alberta to live with my uncle and aunt (paternal uncle and maternal aunt, they're married lol). Also I have the option of attending Calgary. Since nobody I know has attended in any of these two universities, which university would be a better choice for undergrad?


The reputation is quite obviously in the favour of U of alberta but I was suggested by someone to go to a place where the studies are not that competitive so you can score higher. Also since reputation doesn't matter that much, i'm just concerned with a good GPA. I am not sure it would be true but it does make sense, a harder place to get into should be tougher? But since the majors are same at both the places, would it still be 'different' when it came to grading my answer scripts?



How are the professors at both these places? What is the classroom size? Do you think the point in the above para holds any truth?


Would a university's professors be more lenient than the other when giving gradea? Would it be easier to get higher grades in a 'less prestigious' college?


Please share your thoughts!

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Hey fellow future doctors!


So lets get to the point, I'm about to start my journey of becoming a doctor. So for undergrad I've decided to go for Biological sciences major following the guidance of some of my honourable seniors on this site!


So the thing is I want to stay in Alberta for my UG because my home's in Calgary. But I have the option of going to university of alberta to live with my uncle and aunt (paternal uncle and maternal aunt, they're married lol). Also I have the option of attending Calgary. Since nobody I know has attended in any of these two universities, which university would be a better choice for undergrad?


The reputation is quite obviously in the favour of U of alberta but I was suggested by someone to go to a place where the studies are not that competitive so you can score higher. Also since reputation doesn't matter that much, i'm just concerned with a good GPA. I am not sure it would be true but it does make sense, a harder place to get into should be tougher? But since the majors are same at both the places, would it still be 'different' when it came to grading my answer scripts?



How are the professors at both these places? What is the classroom size? Do you think the point in the above para holds any truth?


Would a university's professors be more lenient than the other when giving gradea? Would it be easier to get higher grades in a 'less prestigious' college?


Please share your thoughts!


I was in a similar situation as you. I ended up going to Calgary since it offered a more variety of courses than UofA in my opinion + I prefer living in Calgary than Edmonton. And it helped that UofC has one of the most beautiful campuses in Canada (not kidding here). At the end of the day, prestige has no value if you want to do medicine, which is why I chose UofC over UofA or UofT. Anyways I hope that helps. Both are great schools but you have to decide what's best for you.

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I was in a similar situation as you. I ended up going to Calgary since it offered a more variety of courses than UofA in my opinion + I prefer living in Calgary than Edmonton. And it helped that UofC has one of the most beautiful campuses in Canada (not kidding here). At the end of the day, prestige has no value if you want to do medicine, which is why I chose UofC over UofA or UofT. Anyways I hope that helps. Both are great schools but you have to decide what's best for you.

Hey broski!

Thanks for your reply!


I do agree with you on the point of more variety at Calgary. Would you be kind enough to answer a few questions?


What course are you enrolled in?

What is your current GPA and is it a hard course? Would you recommend it for me?

And lastly the most important! How are your professors with grading your tests? I do work very hard but you know sometimes if the professors are racist or stuff like that, godforbidden(happened with an asian friend of mine).


I hope you do reply.

Thanks again!

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Hey broski!

Thanks for your reply!


I do agree with you on the point of more variety at Calgary. Would you be kind enough to answer a few questions?


What course are you enrolled in?

What is your current GPA and is it a hard course? Would you recommend it for me?

And lastly the most important! How are your professors with grading your tests? I do work very hard but you know sometimes if the professors are racist or stuff like that, godforbidden(happened with an asian friend of mine).


I hope you do reply.

Thanks again!

Well I did the first few years of my undergrad in Ontario and then decided to move back home to Alberta this year. I'm enrolled in a bunch of CMMB courses+ 2 english courses. My current GPA is 3.9+ but that's from my previous university and the courses here are different than the ones in my previous university (in terms of teaching and atmosphere). I think my GPA dipped a little this year but thats partly because i'm studying for the DAT in addition to my school work and plus i'm taking 2 english courses. And it doesn't help that subconsciously I know that my GPA this year doesn't count. Keep in mind it all depends on the courses you are taking since courses vary from one another. As for the course work, I feel it's less than my previous school, at least for the courses i've taken so far. In my previous school we had to record the lectures and write down everything the prof said for biology courses. The faculty at my old university was terrible in the sense they wanted students to do poorly and enforced a limit on the grades. However, in Calgary they don't seam to do this and it makes a huge difference when the profs want you to do well rather than force the class do adjust to the faculty standards. And none of the profs that i've come across here are racist (i'm asian too). All of them are genuinely nice, I must say they seam more friendly than the ones in my previous university but that could be due to a smaller classroom. Oh and that's another benefit of UofC, really small class rooms. All my classes have 20-40 students unlike my previous school where it was 200+. I hope that helps.


Oh and I forgot to mention, please take this with a grain of salt. I've been at UofC for just a little over a month, so this is based on my experience so far. Fortunately I have nothing bad to say about the school but only time will tell...

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