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Applying to the US

Guest treehuggingbiologist

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Guest treehuggingbiologist

How much easier is it to get into the US as opposed to getting into in Canada? I don't have the stats to get into medical school in Canada (ended up with an overall high B+ average) so I'm looking at going south of the border. Any thoughts on whether this is a bad/good idea and what drawbacks are? I'm not that worried about going into debt - thats going to happen regardless so I'm just looking at other options rather than ruling out medicine altogether.

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Guest Madz25

hey tree,


i suggest you get a copy of the 'medical school admission requirements' (MSAR) and see where your stats are competitive and what school suits you.


i found it easier to get accepted in the US. the trick is, as im sure you've read on this board already, is to apply early! the earlier you apply, the better chance you have. US schools dont have cutoffs. they look at the entire application. so something like a lower mark in one section of the mcat isn't going to hold you back.


the drawback that i see of going to the US is residency. it'll be tougher to get residency in canada - although with these changes that are being put in place who knows? also in the US, getting residency on the 'good visa' will be tough. moo knows more about these things than me! hope i helped somewhat!




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Guest alexshim

How early is early?

I have my MCAT score and all that now, I am starting to write my PS... when should I be trying to submit by...


mcat is only a 29 (8V 11P 10B), thanks

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Guest Jochi1543

As early as possible....in the US, I believe the applications become available in May, and the earlier you apply, the more seats are left, and hence, the higher your chances.

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Guest Madz25

You should've submitted your primary application in June! It's not too late. Try and get everything done ASAP - definitely before the end of the month.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I havent submitted my AMCAS yet, but Im rewriting the MCAt this august. Is it still necessary for me to send it in asap or will it not even be looked at until my mcat scores come in?

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Guest jmarks3452

^ i had the same question... i already got my amcas in but i don't want to bother with the secondaries until my mcat's out of the way..

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Guest Madz25

MCat - Your AMCAS application can take up to 6 weeks to be verified before it is sent to the schools you selected. I suggest you send it ASAP and save yourself the 6 weeks of waiting post-MCAT (some schools only send secondaries once they've received your AMCAS app).


jmarks - it's up to you. I'd get things like reference letters taken care of. Sometimes the referees take long, sometimes the letters dont get there etc. etc. A lot of my secondaries were held up because of reference letters - save yourself the time and get it out of the way. Your file wont be considered complete until they receive ur MCAT scores so I suggest try and get everything in before MCAT scores come out because then, it'll just be a matter of releasing your scores and you're good to go!


Hope this helps.



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Guest Madz25

You don't send reference letters to AMCAS. Your referee must send the letter to the school directly OR to any courier-type service you may be using. Your referees may have to send out MANY letters depending on how many schools you apply to.




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Guest alexshim

What the diffierence if I just ask for one and send it out myself? They won't know anyways.... (I can put my referee's return address on the envelope)... because I seriously doubt one or 2 of my referees will have the time to send a bunch of letters...

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Guest Madz25

Your referee is supposed to send it. Anyway, if you want to send it yourself then get as many copies as you need from your referee, unless you're only applying to one school.


I made it easier for my referees by providing them with address labels for every school. That way, they knew how many copies to make and didn't have to worry about the addresses.




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Guest studentz

You have to get the referee to send it as they nearly always have to sign over the flap. Don't attempt to send letters that are supposed to be confidential yourself as they won't count. Most US schools will allow letters to be sent from www.referencenow.com/ This service manages references in a confidential manner. Your referees mail them in or upload a PDF and you then select from your folder which letters you want to send to particular schools. You do not have access to the letters if you mark them as confidential and it saves your referees a ton of work. It also saves you postage costs since they're mailed from within the US.

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Guest studentz

And work on those applications VERY QUICKLY. Schools need time to process the primary application before sending out secondaries, which can be VERY involved (Duke anyone?:rolleyes ). You will then need to devote time to the secondaries.


Many school in the US have rolling admissions and issue acceptances in the fall. Even among schools that don't, interviews will be issued as applications are received. Few, if any, US schools sit on applications until late winter/spring before starting interviews as they do here.

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Guest alexshim

So quick question, will I see the seconderies in my AMCAS app once they get recived (if, rather).


yeh I am trying, but everyone is saying how important PS is and I am on my 4th rewrite!! arrg plus i am taking a summer course for english which I need for a lot of schools.. :)


Will it be ok if I apply by Aug 1st? I know its a bit late.. but I think I made that my due date...

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Guest Madz25

Schools will either mail you secondaries or provide you with links/pdf files via e-mail to access secondaries online. Once the AMCAS application has been submitted and verified and sent to all the schools - there is little reason to visit that site again (unless you want to add more schools to your list).


I submitted my AMCAS app during the first week of August last year. It took 3 weeks for it to be verified. I really felt afterwards that I had submitted it too late (although at the time I thought it was early). I got a few interviews but not nearly as many as I could've gotten had I applied earlier.


Hope this helps.



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Guest Paulchemguy

I read something about Early Decision Program (EDP) and its deadline being in Aug1st. So does that mean if I miss that deadline, then my application will be considered in the 2nd batch with all the other "Regular Admissions Program" applications?


Or is it STILL a continuous rolling application-review process?


Thanks so much,



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Guest Madz25

There are some regulations with EDP that I'm not too familiar with. I think with EDP, you can only apply to one school..or something like that. As in, I don't think you're allowed to apply to 5 schools under EDP. Your application is not automatically considered under EDP if you submit it early. You have to select EDP in your AMCAS app. I suggest that you get your application in early under the 'regular' category (even if it is before Aug 1st).




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Guest alexshim

As a Canadian EDP puts you at a disadventage becuase of your status as a non-resident (unless you have a greencard then go ahead) and because you are not allowed to apply to any other schools at that time.


Apply to EDP only if you have high MCAT/GPA and you are pretty sure you will get in the school, otherwise don't do it.


I spoke to many schools and they said as a Canadian I should not do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

US schools need 3 years of premed or 4 years? Do u know schools accepting after 2 years of premed. I don't care even if they are ranked low. I am in UT..GPA around 3.75...appearing for MCAT

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