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private & public american schools?

Guest jmarks3452

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Guest jmarks3452

hi, i'm not really familiar with how university systems work in the states and i haven't been able to find this information yet... which universities are private (ie. have private medical schools)? thanks.

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Guest Madz25

Private: Most of them - Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Albany, Johns Hopkins, Rosalind Franklin, Pritzker..these are just some off the top of my head.


Public: The "state" schools - for example, Pennsylvania State University, State University of New York (SUNY Upstate, SUNY downstate etc.). That doesn't mean every university with 'state' in its name is public. It also doesnt mean that a university without state in its name is private.


If you look at admissions statistics, state schools GENERALLY accept more in-state students than out-of-state. They have separate fees for in-state vs. out-of-state. Private schools have one tuition fee for everyone.


Hope this helps.



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Guest jmarks3452

hey thanks that does help. and one more q, you've said before that in amcas in credit hours you put 0.5 or 1.0 and amcas handled the rest... so did you put that in the 'credit hours' box? or did you just note that your courses would be a half semester or two-semester course? thanks.

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Guest jmarks3452

hey yeah, i'm working on getting my stuff in asap, but at the same time, i'm rewriting my mcat in august... so aren't i at a disadvantage regardless, even if i get my amcas submitted soon?


either way, i'm getting it submitted within the next 2-3 days... one more question. if i have an activity that i do on an interim basis (ex. 2weeks/year) is it best to just leave the hours/week part blank? or try some sort of estimation? thanks.

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Guest Madz25

i actually left one activity with hrs/week blank and i didnt realize it until after i had submitted my application! i still got interviews at a few places so ...u can leave it blank and explain it in the descriptions section...




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