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Writing The Mcat Years After Intro Science Courses

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Hi everyone, 


I am just beginning to start preparing for the mcat and plan to write it end of summer 2015. 


Im feeling really overwhelmed about learning all the physics, general and organic chem over again. It has been almost ten years since my undergraduate degree.


What percent of 10% allocated to "global assessment of academic merit" is attributed to your overall MCAT scores?


I am confident I can do well on the CARS section, but not so confident I will be able to pull off amazing scores in physics and chemistry.


How will this impact my application to U of C?


Any advice?





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The global assessment is holistic and subjective, so there is no official percentage representing your MCAT score. I haven't used the Khan Academy MCAT prep, but I imagine it would be very good, I used their videos before they actually made an official mcat prep course to help prepare for the old mcat. I did a ton of practice and review with the examkrackers books, which I was pretty much satisfied with. 

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