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Who's going to Wayne State for sure?

Guest ap0x

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Guest ap0x

What's up everyone. Today was the big day... it looks like Wayne State will be the destination for me in august instead of a canadian school.


Any other canadians most likely going there?


Let's get in contact... need some fellow canucks to back me up down in detroit!

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I'll be going in August--just got my rejections from UofT/Mac. Soooo........will see you there? Btw, are you looking for places to live? I am as well, so maybe we can get a few more on board. Let me know! :) Maybe send me a PM, or add me to your msn. Talk to you soon!



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Forgot one more thing. I still haven't heard from Rosalind Franklin--must I withdraw even though I have not accepted (since I myself have not been either accepted nor rejected)?



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No problem:



Physical Sci-11


Bio Sci-12



Lots of extracurric including teaching, overseas work and research/publications. Second time applying to Ontario, first time to the US.


Applied to all Ontario unis (minus Northern).....interviewed at Mac and UT. USA--applied to Rosalind Franklin, Wayne State, UPitt and Brown--interviewed at RF and Wayne State. Haven't heard from Franklin, but rejected in Ontario.

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Guest ap0x

KD - i've added u to msn and sent you an email


as for my stats:


undergrad GPA - 3.86

MCAT 11 (PS), 13 (BS), 9 (VR), R


finishing up masters after not getting in 2 previous times applying


still on waiting list for U of T though... so still a chance! lol


i liked wayne when i went down... if i end up going to states my goals are to end up either west or east coast... seattle is amazing!

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yes, i emailed the admissions at uoft--that letter was confusing, but it seems i'm waitlisted there and at mac. but for now, wayne state will be my new home :)


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Guest sharonM2006

Hey ap0x...do you know why you didn't get in (at least after the 2nd time)...seems like you have good stats.


This is whats scaring me now...what if I don't get in the 2nd time I apply..then what will I do! I don't really wanna start my masters next year so then I'd be screwed

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Guest ap0x

Why I didn't get in? hmm... could've been a number of reasons... the second time I applied my mcat score STILL wasnt' good enough for canadian schools (sigh... what can you do)... and for wayne I had applied very late and thus was at a great disadvantage in their rolling application process.


THis is my THIRD time applying after finishing my masters... so you know what... life's not over if u dont' get in after two tries. I know many people that've done waht I've done... if you really want to do med, eventually you'll get there...


I'm not sad that I had to do a masters at all. If anything it opens up new options for me in the future.

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