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Mmi Prep Companies

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Ah the lure of mmi prep companies, preying on premeds yet again. First its MCAT prep companies, then its med interview prep companies...then its residency application services.. it never ends.


Lol by definition any company that sells any product or service is preying on someones needs
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Ah the lure of mmi prep companies, preying on premeds yet again. First its MCAT prep companies, then its med interview prep companies...then its residency application services.. it never ends.


And making it ever more difficult for those without money to throw at those things to keep up with the ones who can  (or rather, their parents can....)

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I doubt they are useful at all. Apparently the MMI scores used to have a wide distribution but now it's quite narrow. Going to these prep things might even disadvantage you by making you believe you have to follow a formula. Yo man just like chill bro. Show your inner like individualism and stuff.

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I think the best way to prep for the MMI or any interview is to get as much practice as possible. Take advantage of MMI/interview prep sessions that are being run by your school's career success center (Western had these, I think mac has a non/semi-official thing going on, I don't know about other schools). Practice as much as you can with a group of people or just with one friend and give each other feedback to improve your skills. 

Even if there isn't anyone around to practice with, you can still rely on online resources such as InterviewStream (quite a few schools have a subscription to this) to record yourself answering questions and then reviewing it.

I got lots of practice using all of the above methods which helped me become more fluid, confident and less nervous about the whole process, and I think that made all the difference.

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@flipflopped: I feel you - the whole med school game is swayed way in favour of the economically prosperous. The dilemma in the case of interview prep is: 'Put forward the money now and possibly save a year of substantially greater school/application fees, or save the money and take your shot with careful self-prep'. The worst case scenario being having to pay both :mellow:. In any case, I really hope you do well!

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Learning to talk about any topic after thinking about it for a couple of moments will be the most useful thing for you in an MMI. Remember you have 8 minutes, so there's no need to rush through your thoughts. Allow yourself to stop and think for a minute if you start feeling lost. Have someone, anyone really, just take the time to watch you answer a question to give you feedback on any distracting things you do - e.g. do you fiddle with your hair? do you stare at everything but the person you're talking to?. 


If you can't find anyone to practice with, talk to yourself in the mirror - as weird as that is - and make sure you follow the timers. Two minutes to read the question and think about an answer, eight whole minutes of talking/sitting in silence if need be.


Hope that helps.

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The nature of the MMI is certainly such that it would actually be difficult to memorize the correct answers for it - a lot of it will be thinking on your feet. All that being said, the MMI can certainly be prepared for. There are TONS of practice questions in previous messages on this forum. Those along with practicing with friends (as opposed to the mirror) can certainly help refine your skills in developing an approach to the testing style. I am unsure as to what a company will offer over and above what your friends can, simply because of the nature of the test.

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