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2015 Interview Discussion

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A thread to post your thoughts on the interview process at UofC. How did you think your interview went or how did you feel after the interview? What did you like or what did you not like about the MMI process? Any suggestions for future UofC MMIs?


DISCLAIMER: Please DO NOT post or share scenarios related to the UofC MMIs. Also, a reminder that interviews are still ongoing - last MMI is Feb 28.

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It was such a huge privilege for me to participate today and to meet both my interview compatriots, some of the faculty, and many of the current first year medical students. The student video was awesome! Such a hilariously appropriate theme with how many of us were feeling coming into the MMI experience. I loved getting a tour of the school and the atmosphere. I love the progressive approach to education UofC has for its students and how there are so many amazing shadowing and rural opportunities for students to pursue. 


As for the MMI... eesh. Part of me was looking forward to the experience and another part was absolutely filled with dread. I feel like coming out of it that those feelings were appropriate given how I felt about my performance on some stations. I was an absolute ball of nerves on the first station, complete with quivering voice! The assessor must have thought I was ridiculous. I felt my stations ranged from utter personal crash & burns (3), to great and comfortable (~6-7), and "ok" for the others. Ultimately, who knows. 


My perceptions of the school and its students were the reasons for UofC being my tunnel-visioned #1 choice for many years and after today, I feel like those perceptions were very much real


Thank you for an awesome day!

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You are not alone s3lf. I definitly felt like I crashed and burned in more than a few stations for many different reasons. I keep having flashbacks of the assesors faces and their utter horror because of some of my responses and verbal diarrhea. I felt like a couple of them really wanted to help me out before I dug a deeper hole lol. This leads me to believe I did poorly overall. But, hey, you're your own worst critic. There were definitly stations I was able to relate to so I was quicker to respond - there were moments of awkward silence and eye contact haha. There were assesors who were very comforting because they would smile back but there were some who had poker faces. There was also one station where the assessor went off the script and was asking me questions I knew were not prompt questions - I think he caught himself doing it and quickly returned to the prompts. So at least I know I engaged one assessor out of 12 haha.


Regardless, I am just honoured to have been invited to the MMI - as I've said before, I wasn't expecting an invite at all. I was very impressed by the caliber of interviewees. I met several accomplished and intelligent individuals on my interview day, which made me realize that every single person in that room was deserving of getting into med school. So if I don't get in, I understand why.


Overall, a very organized experience. Admittedly nerve racking, but an experience I will carry forward in the future. The first year students who hosted the MMIs were also very welcoming - they took the time to know you and answer your questions. I can tell the students and faculty are a close-knit community and I really like the fact that they are really all about helping each other.

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Does anyone know which station was the trial station? If I started at station 2 and ended at station 1, would it have been the 2nd last one for me? I am hoping so, as this was the station I feel I did the worst in! Any insight would be awesome  :) . Congrats to everyone who has completed their MMI! Huge relief.

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Does anyone know which station was the trial station? If I started at station 2 and ended at station 1, would it have been the 2nd last one for me? I am hoping so, as this was the station I feel I did the worst in! Any insight would be awesome  :) . Congrats to everyone who has completed their MMI! Huge relief.

From my understanding, you're asking if station 12 is the trial station? I didn't even know there was a trial station! Regardless, the scenarios differ for each MMI group. So the station 12 scenario for your group can be completely different from another group.

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The more I reflect on the stations, the worse I feel I did. I'd say about 6-8 stations were decent (not great but good enough), I rambled too much in a couple of them, and I think in about 2 or 3, I didn't even answer the question directly. Being direct with the answer? That's like MMI 101! Such an idiot. 


Overall, I took the approach of just trying to be human and showed that in certain situations, my priorities and concerns are for the most vulnerable people involved and then worried about the rest of the issue later. Probably should've been less concerned with that and being smiley and happy, and actually focused on the content and scenarios. And questions were much longer than I ever practiced with so time factor really hurt me. 

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Hi guys!


I just wanted your guys' opinion on something that I came across and wanted to know what you guys thought about it.

It was brought to my attention from a peer that there were numerous people that did the MMI the first weekend that told the interviewees on the second weekend the questions that were on the MMI. First of all, I find this completely wrong. I know Dr. Walker mentioned he thinks it doesn't make a difference on scores whether people know the questions or not, however I still think it's unfair that some people are going into the MMI knowing the questions, while some are not. Also, I just find it ridiculous to tell someone the questions in the first place, since these people are ultimately our competition.
When I spoke to one of the people that did this, she simply told me that since nothing was said on interview day, and since we didn't have to sign a confidentiality agreement, that she thought it was okay to do this.
I'm certaintly not trying to get anyone in trouble here, but I do want to point out that I have heard of this happening several times from different people, and I think it is 100% wrong. I'm hoping there is something that can be done regarding this issue in the future. I think it would go a long way to simply educate the students whether this is allowed or not, because I think some people used the fact that this issue was not even mentioned on interview day as an excuse that it was okay.


With that said - What do you guys think?

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Hi guys!


I just wanted your guys' opinion on something that I came across and wanted to know what you guys thought about it.

It was brought to my attention from a peer that there were numerous people that did the MMI the first weekend that told the interviewees on the second weekend the questions that were on the MMI. First of all, I find this completely wrong. I know Dr. Walker mentioned he thinks it doesn't make a difference on scores whether people know the questions or not, however I still think it's unfair that some people are going into the MMI knowing the questions, while some are not. Also, I just find it ridiculous to tell someone the questions in the first place, since these people are ultimately our competition.

When I spoke to one of the people that did this, she simply told me that since nothing was said on interview day, and since we didn't have to sign a confidentiality agreement, that she thought it was okay to do this.

I'm certaintly not trying to get anyone in trouble here, but I do want to point out that I have heard of this happening several times from different people, and I think it is 100% wrong. I'm hoping there is something that can be done regarding this issue in the future. I think it would go a long way to simply educate the students whether this is allowed or not, because I think some people used the fact that this issue was not even mentioned on interview day as an excuse that it was okay.


With that said - What do you guys think?


I recall there being a point made that questions aren't reused -- I think this is true between weekends but I'm not totally sure... so this may not have helped at all.

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Hi guys!


I just wanted your guys' opinion on something that I came across and wanted to know what you guys thought about it.

It was brought to my attention from a peer that there were numerous people that did the MMI the first weekend that told the interviewees on the second weekend the questions that were on the MMI. First of all, I find this completely wrong. I know Dr. Walker mentioned he thinks it doesn't make a difference on scores whether people know the questions or not, however I still think it's unfair that some people are going into the MMI knowing the questions, while some are not. Also, I just find it ridiculous to tell someone the questions in the first place, since these people are ultimately our competition.

When I spoke to one of the people that did this, she simply told me that since nothing was said on interview day, and since we didn't have to sign a confidentiality agreement, that she thought it was okay to do this.

I'm certaintly not trying to get anyone in trouble here, but I do want to point out that I have heard of this happening several times from different people, and I think it is 100% wrong. I'm hoping there is something that can be done regarding this issue in the future. I think it would go a long way to simply educate the students whether this is allowed or not, because I think some people used the fact that this issue was not even mentioned on interview day as an excuse that it was okay.


With that said - What do you guys think?


They change the interview questions every day[citation needed] (though, for consistency, they don't change them too much), so that might mitigate the advantage.

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I don't think the questions are reused, but that being said, knowing the style of questions that U of C uses in a particular year I think would be really helpful.  After going into the MMI essentially blind and only knowing what to expect based on the information U of C releases, I think knowing roughly what to expect for the more involved stations, even if the questions are different, would help a lot and I would have felt less off guard with those stations if I knew in advance what to expect. 

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