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2015 Interview Discussion

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Well personally, I do see an advantage in knowing the question types in advance--it'd be harder for UofC to gauge how people react under pressure to foreign questions.

Although I find it strange that people from the first weekend would be willing to share with people from the second weekend knowing that all applicants are compared against each other for the final decision.

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Actually, the more I think about it the more I agree. The "unique" stations, if I had an idea about one of those before I walked in I think I would have been much more calm/collected during it

Yah but the unique stations were definitely different between weekends, so, no, you probably wouldn't have been more calm.


Honestly, everyone needs to stay calm. I'm sure this has happened before, and if it were an actual, big advantage, it would show up as a difference between the two weekends, and would have been addressed.

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If you think about it, people have had advantage in different facets of life and even other components of application. That's just how it is. How about people who hire personal coaches for interview? Same thing. Having said that, I would feel really uncomfortable being in either side of that conversation. Why would I tell anyone, or why would I expect someone to tell me? It just doesn't feel right.   :huh:


Lastly, I think U of C changes questions, or I hope they did. 

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I feel any changes they did would probably quite minimal between groups of the same interview day.

On the other hand, across days, they'd have to modify the questions quite a bit -> still the same types of traits assess I would assume.


This way, they avoid having to make.. 12 questions/track * 5 tracks/group * 3 groups/day * 3 days = 540 unique questions each cycle.

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I don't think it would make a significant impact because the questions are never the exact same day to day.  I think if I knew them and some were similar, if anything I would have a feeling of guilt and that would be stressing me out!  They want honest real answers and if you had a chance to rehearse them then perhaps you wouldn't have delivered it as naturally as someone who just read it, which could stand out.  With the unique questions I am sure they expect an element of confusion and uncertainty at first, but they are looking at not only what you say, but how you handle yourself in those situations under pressure.  Remember they want physicians who are full of integrity and by finding out questions beforehand doesn't really reflect that! 

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I don't think it would make a significant impact because the questions are never the exact same day to day.  I think if I knew them and some were similar, if anything I would have a feeling of guilt and that would be stressing me out!  They want honest real answers and if you had a chance to rehearse them then perhaps you wouldn't have delivered it as naturally as someone who just read it, which could stand out.  With the unique questions I am sure they expect an element of confusion and uncertainty at first, but they are looking at not only what you say, but how you handle yourself in those situations under pressure.  Remember they want physicians who are full of integrity and by finding out questions beforehand doesn't really reflect that! 


From talking to the people that did the interview the second weekend, I heard that the questions were pretty much the same. Just a little different wording, but really asking the exact same thing. 


I agree though that I think there is really no way to prevent this from happening, since it's impossible to make that many different questions. I just think it would go a long way to mention it on interview day. But yes, for those who did do this, I'm sure karma will find a way to work itself out. 

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