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Campus Preference Survey

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Hi all,


I just received an email from Wendy Edge to select my campus preference.  Can someone please make sense of this disclaimer that is written in the survey? I dunno if I am having a major brain fart but I don't understand it whatsoever.


By NOT choosing a second and/or third choice, your acceptance to the medical school may be bypassed if you are chosen, through the rank-weighted lottery, to receive your second or third choice, or if you are wait-listed and the only campus(es) with open positions are at those you have not ranked.



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Hmmm... I'm torn. I don't think I could actually do it on the slim chance that I got NRC (nothing against the campus itself, but I can't move and it's too far to commute). But is it worth not ranking it at all?


This line gives me hope: "if you are wait-listed and the only campus(es) with open positions are at those you have not ranked."


Does that mean that if multiple wait-list spots open up they try to still put the next in line into their preferred campus? Anyone know or should I email Wendy? 

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I think you should email Wendy, but it seems like if you can't go to Niagara campus anyway that there's no point ranking it. It seems that they will just skip over your name and not offer you admission if that's all that's left. 


But definitely contact Wendy first before making any decision. 

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So, I heard back from Wendy already and it seems that they really try to get you your first or second choice. With the first few batches of waitlist offers they still try to maximize campus preferences as long as there are multiple declines around the same time. Later on in the summer, if you are next on the waitlist and a spot comes up at a campus that you didn't rank, you will be bypassed for that spot but will still stay at the top of the waitlist. 

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Just wondering when you put your campus preferences in the survey they say you should put all 5. Is it ok to put your first 3 choices and then put the other 2 which is (i have no 2nd preference choice and i have no 3rd preference choice) in the 4th and 5th options? Or are you supposed to just rank your first 3 choices? 

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