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Bus Pass?

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nope. lots of work has been done by previous medical student council presidents but it always comes to an impasse with the mcmaster students union (MSU).


there are a lot of issues at play but medical students could be out of hamilton for large stretches of time during clerkship and would not benefit from a bus pass. also, a big issue was the MSU wanting medical students to join their voting/representative membership even though their student services/advocacy efforts don't necessarily benefit medical students who are in this weird transitory state between undergrad and grad student.


edit: also, all the talk of medical students getting their own bus pass is futile. the HSR (the transit in Hamilton) would rather have a bulk deal of thousands of undergrads and grad students rather than a side negotiation for less than 1000 passes.

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As I have heard, it was actually previous medical student presidents who decided that we would not benefit from a bus pass. I completely disagree. Even if money wasn't saved, it would promote safety as well as environmental friendliness at a low cost.


true. the medical students were once members of the MSU back in the 90s and early 00s but left because the overall med student population (on the basis of a referendum) felt that the MSU and its services (including the bus pass) weren't meeting the needs of the med student population.


now there's been an increased amount of med students (mostly pre-clerks) who want a bus pass for obvious reasons, but the medical student council has its hands tied.

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