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How Much Driving Is Involved?

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Hi all,


I love how supportive and helpful the community is, so I'm here to beg for help again. How much driving is involved for the average medical student at mac?


From what I've gathered there won't be TOO much need for driving in 1st year, I'm pretty good with the hamilton public transport, too.


What about come second year and after? I see my friends in upper years running all over the country. Will there be lots of driving at night and in the countryside?


I'm eyeing the Ford Explorer for a car if there will be lots of driving, otherwise I'll take the Ford Focus from my parents.


Anyone have any insight?

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Depends where you live and a bit of luck tbh.

 I had to commute 40 mins for my family med rotation and 25 mins for surgery. All my other rotations are a 5 minute walk from my house. I'm probably on the luckier side of things but it really depends on where you live.

You do need a car as sometimes you just have to travel quickly but the actual amount is varies quite a bit.

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