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2016 Waitlist Support Thread

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For UC students applying that are on the waitlist, please check your UCAN because the email system is currently down. I only saw my offer on UCAN and never received an email.

In other words, there was some more waitlist offers today?

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Does anyone know how the waitlist offers work? Is it me, or does it seem a little sporadic? In the second-to-latest blog update, Dr Walker indicated 6 unfilled and 6 pending, which to me suggests that they hadn't sent out 6 offers. The newest update said 4 unfilled and 4 pending. I wonder if they wait until they get a little cluster before sending offers, or if other factors come into play and they send them out one at a time? Or if they wait for U of A's deadline before a next batch?


I think we can all agree that this is agony.

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Does anyone know how the waitlist offers work? Is it me, or does it seem a little sporadic? In the second-to-latest blog update, Dr Walker indicated 6 unfilled and 6 pending, which to me suggests that they hadn't sent out 6 offers. The newest update said 4 unfilled and 4 pending. I wonder if they wait until they get a little cluster before sending offers, or if other factors come into play and they send them out one at a time? Or if they wait for U of A's deadline before a next batch?


I think we can all agree that this is agony.


I'm pretty sure when he says 6 seats unspoken for and 6 offers pending, he means he has offered those 6 seats to applicants and is waiting for responses. If they decline, more seats will be available, and more offers will be sent, which will remain pending until a response is received. For the most recent update, there are 5 spots left in the class, total.

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I'm pretty sure when he says 6 seats unspoken for and 6 offers pending, he means he has offered those 6 seats to applicants and is waiting for responses. If they decline, more seats will be available, and more offers will be sent, which will remain pending until a response is received. For the most recent update, there are 5 spots left in the class, total.


Would it be fair to say then, that the class is almost full and the rest of us should be mentally preparing ourselves for a rejection? When is the deadline for the U of A waitlist offers?

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Would it be fair to say then, that the class is almost full and the rest of us should be mentally preparing ourselves for a rejection? When is the deadline for the U of A waitlist offers?


I have no idea. I'm stuck on the wait list with you, but I have basically accepted rejection and am trying to move on. Dr. Walker posted a comment saying that the emails to the bottom of the list will likely start to go out on Monday.

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I have no idea. I'm stuck on the wait list with you, but I have basically accepted rejection and am trying to move on. Dr. Walker posted a comment saying that the emails to the bottom of the list will likely start to go out on Monday.

It seems as though these emails could have gone out weeks ago, especially to those who had a very low chance of getting offers. Waiting until the class is almost full doesn't help much in my opinion. 

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I have no idea. I'm stuck on the wait list with you, but I have basically accepted rejection and am trying to move on. Dr. Walker posted a comment saying that the emails to the bottom of the list will likely start to go out on Monday.


I did see that comment. The vagueness of 'it's still fluid' is so unsettling.

I think it will be a relief for a lot of people on the waitlist to have some sense of a definitive answer once that email goes out. I, too, am trying to prepare myself to move on.


@PM333: I agree. Even a 'you are in the bottom third of the waitlist, and thus may not have a very good chance of getting an offer' is still better than 'we can't tell you where you are on the list. Just keep waiting.' For all we know, we could be the last person on the list and here we are, agonizing over this for a month.

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I did see that comment. The vagueness of 'it's still fluid' is so unsettling.

I think it will be a relief for a lot of people on the waitlist to have some sense of a definitive answer once that email goes out. I, too, am trying to prepare myself to move on.


@PM333: I agree. Even a 'you are in the bottom third of the waitlist, and thus may not have a very good chance of getting an offer' is still better than 'we can't tell you where you are on the list. Just keep waiting.' For all we know, we could be the last person on the list and here we are, agonizing over this for a month.

Yes exactly.. At least the waiting period is finally coming to a close. Just a bit longer! 

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I got that email, too, this morning.


This was my 2nd cycle, and I was one step closer than I was last year, when I received a rejection post-MMI.


Of course it's heartbreaking, but remember, on average an applicant applies around 3 times before acceptance. Overall, I am happy that I made it this far. I'll take a few days to mope a little, and then I'll start to make my plans for life and for re-applying next year.


Good luck to those who may still make it, and thanks for everyone being so supportive of each other here :D

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