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Suggest Blogs To Me!

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So I recently deactivated facebook and now I need something else to passively scroll through in bed. Then I thought heck, if I'm going to do that I might as well learn something. Looking for suggestions for medically related blogs/blogs written by people in all stages of training.


So far I'm only aware of Birdy's and ralk's blog, and KevinMD. So give me your recommendations people :)

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Kind of off topic (?) but why did you deactivate Facebook? The idea seems so appealing to me or maybe just deleting 70% of the people on my account because I'm sure we all have so many people that aren't in our close circle that I don't care about.

I first took a break from fb after reading this article in 2010 while I was having a rough time during my first undergrad. Sadly, my marks didn't go up, but I did notice that my mind felt de-cluttered and more peaceful. Over the years I've been on and off it, for practical reasons of needing to keep in touch with people, doing group projects, etc.


This summer I've been dedicating more time to personal development, and realized the value it's adding to my life is just not worth the social-comparison and self-shaming that I put myself through. Unfortunately I have a hard time practicing anything in moderation, so I decided to just pull the plug and direct my attention onto other stuff.


I didn't delete my account entirely, so close friends can still reach me via fb messenger if they want to (actually if people want to keep in touch they will find a way).

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I first took a break from fb after reading this article in 2010 while I was having a rough time during my first undergrad. Sadly, my marks didn't go up, but I did notice that my mind felt de-cluttered and more peaceful. Over the years I've been on and off it, for practical reasons of needing to keep in touch with people, doing group projects, etc.


This summer I've been dedicating more time to personal development, and realized the value it's adding to my life is just not worth the social-comparison and self-shaming that I put myself through. Unfortunately I have a hard time practicing anything in moderation, so I decided to just pull the plug and direct my attention onto other stuff.


I didn't delete my account entirely, so close friends can still reach me via fb messenger if they want to (actually if people want to keep in touch they will find a way).


Hahah, in the article it says his GPA went from 2.95 to 3.95.......he must've really liked Facebook 

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