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Mcat And Interview Prep Books For Sale - Edmonton Area Pickup But Will Ship


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I have the Exam crackers 9th edition for the new MCAT format books for sale. Condition is excellent. Make me an offer.


Examkrackers Audio osmosis CDs - one CD of like 8 is scratched but I think still works. Make me an offer.


I also have a bunch of older MCAT version books for sale or give away if someone busy the Examkrackers books. Make me an offer. Basically looking to get rid of them.


Interview Prep - Make me an offer for one or both

Doing Right by Hebert - condition good with pen markings.

MMI for the Mind by Kevyn To


I am in the Edmonton area and can meet for pickup. I can ship if buyer pays shipping costs.


PM me for pictures as they are too big to post.

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