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Oop Wondering If I Should Apply

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Hey guys,



As an Ontario applicant just received some heartbreaking news on my MCAT score

(510 - 128/126/128/128)


Dal is one of the only OOP schools I can apply to now, due to having below 128 cars


I have a 4.0 GPA and 510 mcat - does anyone know how this is scored?

- I assume 15/15 for GPA

- what about for mcat?


Im OOP with what I'd consider a weak-moderate connection - played soccer competitively in Nova Scotia for a few tournaments, besides that I have visited friends throughout university. The only reason why I think I am somewhat connected is due to my soccer experiences there growing up.


My ECs are above average, I am a MSc applicant with a lot of experiences under my belt.


Any thoughts?

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It's the 23rd right now and applications are due Sept 1...so I'm assuming you've been working on your application and are almost done (or should be), and have already sent them your transcripts, wrote up your descriptions, contacted your verifiers, etc.

Unless there's something else that requires immediate attention that makes it t difficult for you to complete the supplemental application/$70 application fee is an issue, why not just toss in an app anyway? For anyone with a weak maritime connection, your chances probably really depend on how you write it up anyway.

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