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Ucan Application Status: [Blank]

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This is the one time I'd be relieved if my status was blank. Mine says "Application submitted on 10/01/2016". Same thing it said when I submitted it. It's never changed or gone blank.

By blank I meant it says:

Your current status is:

Application submitted on 9/30/2016.


I suspect they aren't finished reviewing our files or it simply hasn't been updated for us yet.

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By blank I meant it says:

Your current status is:

Application submitted on 9/30/2016.


I suspect they aren't finished reviewing our files or it simply hasn't been updated for us yet.

Well, that's a relief. To me, blank means empty. At any rate, it was worrisome to have "Graduate form not received" when I didn't have to submit one in the first place since I already have my graduate degree.

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